A five-year-old girl stole the show in a Glastonbury Festival TV interview. #Glastonbury #BBCNews

crazy to tell you I have a boyfriend you got something crazy to tell me you’ve got a boyfriend that’s quite a declaration to make on national TV well know you’re 6 tomorrow and you’ve decided to make this announcement on national TV do you want to give us his name um Toby Ogden his Toby Ogden you you’ve toally I’m going to have to find out from the parents whether they approved Toby Ogden it’s enough for me oh no he’s lovely yeah no they’re good friends yeah they’re good friends lovely he going for Te we get my daddy said be careful my daddy said he will lock him in a tower you will lock him in a tower this was not how to tell you my grandpa has a scorpion and every man of this has gone very strange now

  1. Good to see a child that isn’t being coerced into some delusional state of gender dysphoria forced to identify as a winged fish who thinks they’re dating a celestial object from the Andromeda galaxy.

    I love how the dad is like nah I’m having none of it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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