Älterer Rabbiner in England von Gaza-Mob verjagt

Älterer Rabbiner in England von Gaza-Mob verjagt


  1. The Muslim guy kept shouting at the Jewish guy and wouldnt let him speak……………….then complained that the Jewish wouldn’t condemn something . Why not give a Jewish guy a chance to say something ?

  2. Funny how people opposed to the existence of a Jewish safe haven end up proving the need for one.

  3. “Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism!! We don’t hate Jews, just Zionists!!”

    [Proceeds to commit hate crimes on random Jews who are just minding their own business]

  4. My guess is this is projection on the individual. And I am glad it does not seem to be reflective of the membership of the Mosque.

  5. I think we’re forgetting the context here that a) he’s actually a political candidate for the conservatives, a particularly hateful and racist political party, and b) in this context he was here at this mosque campaigning.

    People are allowed to be outwardly angry at a person who is running to represent YOU in Parliament who is firstly your general political opponent regardless of the situation in Gaza (he’s a Tory. Muslim people in the UK generally speaking don’t vote Tory) and secondly is on the opposing side in a conflict which is a huge political issue in the UK.

    The headline should read “Conservative candidate directly confronted by pro-Palestine constituents”. In this video he is attending the event *as a candidate for election for the conservatives* not as a Rabbi and not in a religious capacity.

    Let’s try to be reasonable here.

  6. Stop calling it “gaza” or “palestinian”. It’s “Hamas” and always has been and will be.

  7. It’s funny how the “Don’t judge an entire group based off some bad apples” has now suddenly gone out the window when it comes to Jews. Do Muslims in the UK need to answer for the heinous acts of ISIS or theocratic states like Iran or Afghanistan?

    It’s pathetic really, just angry emotional people who know they can’t do anything against Israel or the IDF itself so they take their frustration out on any random Jew they can find.

  8. But it’s definitely not antisemitism, you guys.

    (/s, because there are a lot of idiots on the internet)

  9. This sucks, but wanted to call out a few of the silver linings mentioned in the article:
    1) the mosque extended the invitation to Saunders as a candidate for the seat (assume/hope they’ve extended similar invitations to all major party candidates)
    2) several members of the audience apparently shouted down the more disruptive attendees (all of whom have a right to their opinions, but kicking off during a community outreach and Q&A session is distinctly counterproductive for all involved)
    3) highly personal/subjective, but I think there’s value in having the occasional NON-DOGMATIC faith leader hold/run for office, since they’re often highly attuned with the needs of their particular geographic area, and have had close dealing with all kinds of social programs/services. (As a note: idea if this applies to Saunders – just speaking in general, and with the example of Senator Reverend Warnock as a case in point)

  10. All nations worldwide should deport all Israeli and Palestinian nationals until they settle their differences. We don’t need that crap brought our doorstep.

  11. ballsy move going into a mosque.

    I’m sure he knew that he was gonna catch some flack from the knuckleheads

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