Russian motorcycle infantry assaults: Are they running out of armor? No. Russia has sufficient armor to conduct combined arms assaults. So why are they using motorcycles? The simple answer is to create more targets and increase the odds of one or more invaders breaking through. In a similar…

Russian motorcycle infantry assaults: Are they running out of armor?

No. Russia has sufficient armor to conduct combined arms assaults. So why are they using motorcycles?

The simple answer is to create more targets and increase the odds of one or more invaders breaking through. In a similar…

by Orcasystems99

  1. Russian motorcycle infantry assaults: Are they running out of armor?

    No. Russia has sufficient armor to conduct combined arms assaults. So why are they using motorcycles?

    The simple answer is to create more targets and increase the odds of one or more invaders breaking through. In a similar way, Russia has begun using two-man teams to conduct urban assaults. So what are the “perceived” benefits of these tactics?

    1) For the Russian military, meat is cheap (Storm-Z);

    2) It forces the AFU to identify their locations early by having to fire at less significant targets; and,

    3) It takes more ammunition, FPV drones and operators, and troops to kill 10 individual invaders advancing on motorcycles than if they were clustered together on top of a turtle tank.

    At least that is the theory…

  2. I don’t get the small-scale attacks. Watching all of the combat footage here and elsewhere, Russia never seems to send more than a dozen armored units at a time. You will never overwhelm defenses that way.

  3. Chinese dirt bikes are really cheap. They are not durable, but with these tactics they don’t have to be either.

  4. That is a very optimistic way of trying to explain why russia is doing something incredibly bad

  5. The simple answer to this strategy is a AI drone swarm. Let AI do the target acquisition so the FPV drone pilots can focus on higher profile targets.

  6. If they attack with 30 people and 5 make it to the tree line and take it, then that’s a victory in russias eyes.

    We got to stop thinking that killing russian soldiers matters to Russia. These human waves are par for the course for russia. It’s what a war with NK and china would probably also look like, but bigger!

    Ukraine is doing the right thing with hitting oil and gas infrastructure, and I think economic warfare may be the only way to stop them.

  7. Russia is only training the drivers for a few days before attacking. That’s why they are driving in a straight line. They will fall if they turn, it’s also why they are adding a sidecar. To keep the bike upright, and maybe maneuver more

  8. So they use the nitro vodka circus team to force the Homies into revealing their positions, then blue label Ivan calls in for NK artillery. They have potatoes for brains I’m telling you.

  9. >The simple answer is to create more targets and increase the odds of one or more invaders breaking through.

    If by simple we mean idiotic, then sure. It may also be contributory that the logistics, coordination and communication for large combined arms assaults is straining the Russian Federation Army’s capacities.

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