There is nothing more attractive than a British accent

There is nothing more attractive than a British accent

by pm-your-maps

  1. A cats asshole is more attractive than most British accents. Some are nice but most are putrid. As putrid as a cats asshole.

  2. Coming from a French, whose English accent has the supernatural power of turning anyone asexual in a 300mt radius.

  3. It’s only the american savages who think british people sound smart and attractive

  4. Might just be a personal taste thing, but I really find British accents really hot and nice to listen to. Not all of them of course, there’s so many, but most often than not British accents sound great to me.

  5. As an English guy living in Germany I can assure you nothing gets a Fräulein going more than speaking in a heavy English accent adding all the dumb words in with emphasis. Just adding English swears into a German sentence is enough most of the time.

  6. Yeah that’s not the British accent Americans think of when they say that. They’re thinking of James Bond, Henry Cavill, Keira Knightley, and above all the lords who told them what’s what back in 1750.

  7. Ah, yes, **THE** British accent, because there’s only one british accent

  8. I completely agree with the title. As soon as the savage got out of the way and I heard those dulcet tones, I instantaenously became rock hard.

  9. His accent is still more enjoyable to the ear than like 80-90% of US accents

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