Russian strike on several Ukrainian SU-27 at Myrhorod Air Base in Poltava Oblast this afternoon

Russian strike on several Ukrainian SU-27 at Myrhorod Air Base in Poltava Oblast this afternoon

by borntobememe

  1. Where are the jets during the impact? You pathetic trolls make me laugh.

  2. I am not an expert, but it is not a big mistake to just let your jets stay outside visible like that? Or is there no other option? To lose a few jets is a big hit to ukraine i would guess.

  3. Both this strikes and the Ukrainian strikes on Russian Air bases show the importance of hardened aircraft shelters.

  4. If these aren’t decoys, Ukraine needs to shake up it’s airforce command structure.

    Can’t be taking these kind of unnecessary losses in an airbase this close to the frontline.

  5. in the last frame we can see that a lot of the jet are not there anymore.

    (at the 51 seconde mark lot of pad that had plane at the start of the video are now empty)

    so atleast 1 destroyed probably a few more damaged/destoryed but not all of them have been hit as a few have been moved between the start of the video and the end.

  6. Why didn’t they at least build some sort of shelter? They had two years

  7. Can’t wait for F16s so that our smartest commanders put them on an unprotected airfield, which has been successfully attacked multiple times in recent months.

    This is what you get when you disband air defence units to send them to infantry, but they never learn and seemingly never will, I bet that the guy responsible for protection of this airfield will get a promotion soon.

  8. I hope they’ll build some reinforced hangars/bunkers for f-16s when they arrive. They’ll be the top priority.

    Btw this Air base is about 160km (98,5 mi) away from the russian border.

  9. Until F-16 arrive, those are invaluable because they’re the only jet that can launch western rockets

  10. We laugh at the russians for parking their planes in the open and then this…

  11. We laugh at the russians for parking their planes in the open and then this…

  12. Good news that there was no UA personnel loss. Bad thing – those spy drones and iskanders are an issue.

  13. Good news that there was no UA personnel loss. Bad thing – those spy drones and iskanders are an issue.

  14. Ukrainian AA people told me they simply haven’t got enough means to shoot down high flying drones.
    A machine gun or a MANPADS won’t work against on Orlan.
    They bigger AA systems and more of them.

  15. Ukrainian AA people told me they simply haven’t got enough means to shoot down high flying drones.
    A machine gun or a MANPADS won’t work against on Orlan.
    They bigger AA systems and more of them.

  16. Ukrainian AA people told me they simply haven’t got enough means to shoot down high flying drones.
    A machine gun or a MANPADS won’t work against an Orlan.
    They need bigger AA systems and more of them.

  17. Did Russia get permission from the USA to attack this deep in Ukrainian territory /s

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