Even Ukrainians in shock! A great mutiny against Putin has begun in Most Famous Russian Battalion!

Even Ukrainians in shock! A great mutiny against Putin has begun in Most Famous Russian Battalion!

[Music] [Music] welcome to the USS Global YouTube channel the occupation of Ukrainian territory continues to move in a direction the Russians did not expect Ukrainian troops have been conducting formidable operations with a performance far beyond expectations these operations have inflicted unimaginable losses on the Russians both in terms of the capability of the fighters and the power of the weapons although the Russian authorities tried to hide their losses the Ukrainian authorities revealed all the facts by the first light of the day there were six clashes in the kiv region the Ukrainian Armed Forces liquidated about 120 people at the same time some enemy units refused to fulfill combat missions due to the death of Russian commanders Nazar volan the spokesman for the corsia military unit made the following statement immediately after the fighting the enemy does not give up attempts in this direction conducting active hostilities six battles were fought in the KV region clashes took place near vchan and lipy offensive operations were also carried out near SAT nitzia kachka but they were unsuccessful the situation has not changed significantly and I can even say that at the moment our Defenders have repulsed four out of five enemy attacks the fighting continued in the vchan area and the Defense Forces stopped the offensive fighting also continued north of KV a few hours ago terrorists launched about seven mrls attacks on lukian and hibok districts from belgrad to lipy two attacks on staria with six mrls and three attacks on mikolva with four MLS according to the spokesperson the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed about 120 Invaders several units of weapons and military equipment in the carv sector he also noted that Russian troops refused to fulfill combat missions due to the death of some Russian commanders there is information that a large number of enemy Personnel refused to leave in particular the assault unit of the 153rd Panzer Regiment of the 47th Panzer Division of the Russian Armed Forces refuses to fulfill the tasks assigned to them because they have lost a large number of people Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski announced that the Ukrainian Defense Forces had stopped the Russian offensive in the carv region despite the difficult situation the Russians continue to struggle with disasters after all this according to Ukrainian officials Russian mercenaries from Nepal serving in Ukraine are leaving the Russian army in droves we all knew from the very beginning of the large scale Invasion that Russia had recruited foreigners from Nepal Somalia India Cuba and other countries to fight in Ukraine Petro yatsenko spokesman for the Ukrainian coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of War said that Moscow was using them as cannon fodder on the front line without preparing them as mercenaries for combat activities according to the Ukrainian Military Intelligence service nepales soldiers assigned to military unit number 29328 of the Russian armed forces are deserting due to heavy losses nonpayment of salaries and mistreatment by commanders in including executions for refusing to obey orders the agency published the list of alleged soldiers and profiles of some mercenaries Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Agency said that the Russian army has mostly failed to find mercenaries fleeing from the territory of occupied luhansk oblast where the military unit is deployed according to the agency in reports sent to the top leadership Russian commanders claim that the reason for the disert of mercenaries is the earthquake in Nepal the intelligence agency issued the following statement returning to Nepal from the occupied luhansk oblast is not an easy task in itself in addition nepales citizens could face prosecution in their home country for participating in hostilities against Ukraine as part of the Russian army according to Ukrainian military intelligence more than 18,000 soldiers in the Southern military District have deserted their posts about 12,000 of them belong to the eighth combined arms Army a unit usually deployed in conflicts in eastern Ukraine with the unwavering support of their friends Ukrainian troops are able to organize larger operations against the enemy today there was a very welcome development for Ukraine the Norwegian Ministry of Defense announced plans to provide up to 13 .7 million for the maintenance of leopard 2a4 tanks at a maintenance center in Poland the funds will cover support repair and maintenance of the equipment provided with technical assistance to be managed in Poland in addition Norway recently donated military equipment worth around 91.3 million N1 billion to Ukraine including artillery shells anti-tank weapons and mine sweepers as as part of a joint effort between the Nordic countries Norway helped train Ukrainian demining Personnel in Lithuania the ministry of Defense reiterated its commitment to providing Ukraine with the necessary assistance we and our allies are clear about our long-term support for Ukraine defense minister ber Aral Grom commented Ukraine can count on Norway’s Resolute support earlier Norway delivered eight german-made leopard tanks to Ukraine as well as four support Vehicles Norway has decided to allocate additional funds totaling over $600 million us to support Ukraine most of which will be spent on air defense the political parties represented in the stortinget supported the government’s proposal to increase Aid to Ukraine by No7 billion over USD 600 million in 2024 prime minister Jonas gar St said after the meeting that no6 billion of this amount would be spent mainly on air defense equipment while the remaining billion would be spent on other types of support these changes will bring the total amount of Norwegian Aid to Ukraine to n 22 billion in direct support in 2024 President Vladimir zalinski thanked Norway for the decision and said I appreciate that the majority of these funds will be used to strengthen Ukraine air defense which is our top priority to protect lives we value Norway’s unwavering support its understanding of our urgent needs and its willingness to stand by us at the most critical moments in Ericson surer chairman of the stortinget standing committee on Foreign Affairs and defense noted that the general discussion on the framework of the Norwegian aid program is not yet over according to her it is time to consider revising the 5-year budget of the n75 billion support program for Ukraine as there are fewer funds left for the coming years than originally planned during his visit to Kiev Norwegian foreign minister Espen bar ID said that Kiev and Oslo have completed negotiations on a bilateral security agreement and will sign it at zelinsky’s next meeting with Norwegian prime minister yonas gar stura the date of the meeting has not yet been announced another good news of the day came from Germany natto member Germany has announced a significant increase in military aid to Ukraine in an important move that strengthens its defense capabilities the announcement part of a new tranch of support comes at a critical juncture as Ukraine continues its fight against Russian aggression the Ukrainian defense Ministry said on social media media great news from our German friends thank you for your steadfast support the assistance is expected to include additional armored personnel carriers anti-aircraft defenses and important ammunition this comes against the background of recent advances by Russian forces in parts of Ukraine’s Eastern donbas region these gains have exacerbated the urgent need for ammunition and equipment in Ukraine’s military ranks prompting President Vladimir zalinski to make desperate appeals to Western allies for further assistance as part of its latest Aid package Germany has provided Ukraine with 10 additional martyr armored personnel carriers a second skyne anti-aircraft system nearly 30,000 shells and ammunition for the Gard anti-aircraft gun this development follows the recent assertion by German Chancellor Olaf Schultz that European allies should continue to provide support to Ukraine his remarks follow a 61 billion 48 billion Aid package from the US which was approved after extensive negotiations Chancellor Schultz praised the US Aid as an encouraging and necessary signal and stressed Europe’s continuing responsibility to strengthen Ukraine’s defenses against aggression Schultz continued the US decision does not absolve Us in Europe from our duty to further expand our support for Ukraine so that it can defend itself against aggression later in the day there was another happy development for Ukraine the United States announced that it will support the production of Ukrainian drones as part of a long-term military aid package announced as part of the Ukraine security assistance Initiative Program the $6 billion Aid package from the US provides among other things components to support Ukraine’s drone production and other capabilities officials had previously reported that the US would purchase $1.6 billion worth of Ukrainian made weapons for the Ukrainian Defense Forces the funds will come from approximately $61 billion in funding provided under their sent signed Aid package for Ukraine this was stated by MP and Deputy chairman of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation arini push kareno minister of strategic Industries Alexander commission announced in April that Ukraine had launched an international fundraising campaign to raise billion from abroad to purchase Ukrainian made weapons the US will also buy Ukraine additional ammunition for the Patriot and nasams air defense systems they will also provide equipment to integrate Western air defense launchers missiles and Radars into Ukraine’s air defense systems these projects are better known as Franken Sam in addition the US state department has approved the sale of MIM 23 Hawk air defense systems to Ukraine in this way the US maintains the operational capability of the hawk air defense systems which protect the Ukrainian people and critical infrastructure the US is also considering the possibility of purchasing 155 lead meters artillery shells from Turkey as part of its military assistance to Ukraine all this assistance has doubled the performance of Ukrainian fighters of course this has been a disaster for the Russians according to the latest figures provided by Kiev Russian forces continue to suffer High casualty figures in the Ukrainian occupation these figures show more than 1,000 casualties per day on most days of the last week and nearly 6,000 total casualties in the last five days in its latest update Ukraine’s defense Ministry said that Russia had lost 1,20 Personnel in the past 24 hours the fifth consecutive day in which the death toll exceeded 1,000 T Russia suffered 1,50 casualties on Tuesday 1,320 on Monday and 1,96 and 1,24 in the previous two days bringing the number in the last 5 days to 5,910 last week’s total came to 7,980 a daily average of 1,40 Russia’s losses have steadily increased as Kiev awaits the delivery of military aid recently approved by the US Congress Russia’s losses have also increased there were more than 1,000 casualties per day nine times in March 13 times in February and only four times in January the latest calculation by puts Russia’s total losses over the 797 days of the war at 46940 and average of 560 per day the Ukrainian defense Ministry describes the figures as approximate and includes both deed and wounded Ukraine itself is being tight lipped about its own casualties President Vladimir zalinsky announced in February that 31,000 of its soldiers had been killed but other estimates have been higher while Russia has not updated its casualty figures since September 2022 when defense minister Sergey shyu said fewer than 6,000 had been killed it is difficult to get an accurate estimate of the number of personnel lost in Vladimir Putin’s fullscale Invasion Leo duckery Britain’s Secretary of State for the Armed Forces said moscow’s personnel losses had reached 450,000 this number includes those killed killed or wounded such as the Ukrainian figure the previous day independent Russian media Outlets said they could confirm that 51,67002 are taken only from publicly available sources such as obituaries and online announcements meanwhile Ukrainian Fighters continue their tactical operations at full speed according to kiev’s latest figures Russia continues to suffer massive losses of troops and Equipment including artillery systems and armored personnel carriers the Ukrainian general staff said Russian casualties in the last 24 hours had reached 1 ,24 the highest figure in 6 weeks the last time this figure reached 1,60 was on May 23rd Russian forces also lost 38 artillery systems these losses were the second highest in a week the total loss of this type of equipment since the start of the war has risen to 11,905 kiev’s latest figures also showed that Russia had lost 14 apvs the previous day bringing the total for The fullscale Invasion to 13,971 the Russians faced a new catastrophe later in the day Ukraine took the enemy’s mind with an unforgettable Victory a Ukrainian mura V5 USV destroyed a Russian speedboat in temporarily occupied Crimea the Press service of the Ukrainian defense intelligence announced that the Russians were in a great Panic after this attack the sea plane was operated by operators of the group 13 unit of the Ukrainian defense intelligence the Russian Invader boat was shot down in vusa Bay near chamor west of the Crimean Peninsula the footage shows a Ukrainian Navy drone approaching the Anchorage of Russian boats the Russian Invaders tried to damage the mura V5 drone by shooting at it with small arms possibly large caliber machine guns and other weapons however despite Russian attempts to interfere with the combat Mission the Ukrainian drone approaches the Russian speedboat and shoots it down the image quality does not allow us to accurately identify the type of the Russian boat the Ukrainian defense intelligence issued the following statement after the attack Ukrainian combat work continues on the high-speed maneuverable Russian warships illegally present in Crimean territorial Waters as fear of Ukrainian aggression has forced the Invaders to hide their large black sea Fleet ships away from the peninsula mura V5 is a Next Generation multi-purpose unmanned surface ship developed in Ukraine the Drone is controlled by a special portable remote control with displays and a set of keys and switches the operator uses cameras to observe the situation around the Drone and can control it until it hits a specific Target as a kamakazi drone it can attack enemy surface ships both at Sea and at military bases in The Bays for this it can carry up to 320 kgrs of explosives in February Ukraine’s defense intelligence Group 13 used mura drones to destroy the Russian guided missile Corvette Ivanov and the Black Sea Landing ship Caesar unov both ships sank the Russians cannot find a way to stop these blows the ukrainians managed to inflict painful losses on the enemy at every opportunity all these losses have pushed the Russian army to fight more ambitiously in another region the Russian army is advancing rapidly in its quest to capture chivar a strategically important town in the Eastern denet region Invaders missile and drone strikes have dis disrupted power supplies in Northern and Eastern Ukraine Moscow has intensified its attacks on chivar a Hilltop settlement seen as key to President Vladimir Putin’s goal of seizing what was once Ukraine’s industrial Heartland the Kremlin is racing to seize the area before US military aid reaches Kiev troops on the front line cilo sazonov a former Ukrainian political adviser who joined the 41st separate mechanized Brigade and served in chivar told TV channel 1+ one the battles are taking place quite close to the town already on the outskirts referring to the date when Russia celebrated its victory over Germany in the second world war he commented for the last two weeks we have been seeing and feeling that the Russians have a mission to occupy chivar commanderin-chief Alexander CI said on Facebook after spending 2 days on the Eastern Front that Ukraine’s task is to gain time to build up and prepare reserves by disrupting Russia’s plans causing maximum losses and depleting their forces Russia has numerous advantages in terms of personnel weapons and military equipment the commanderin-chief said some military analysts close to the issue said Ukrainian forces may have decided to relocate in exchange for time while waiting for large scale us Aid to arrive in the coming weeks Siri emphasized that this is an appropriate decision for a force that is underresourced and at risk of being besieged sazonov said that chivar is located on high ground and is suitable for defense if Ukraine leaves the town this could give Russian forces a direct route to costantina and further west to sloviansk cromor and poov the poov costantina road has become a vital Supply route for the Ukrainian Army Russian forces are currently attacking well-prepared Ukrainian positions and trying to bypass the town we have to admit that the Russians especially their paratroopers are also well prepared meanwhile National Grid operator ukrenergo set attacks in the Sumi region north of donet d damaged a high voltage power plant cutting off electricity supplies to 400,000 households while in neighboring cariv about 100,000 households are experiencing rolling blackouts Ukraine intercepted 12 of 13 shahad drones launched overnight from the north in the sui region the Air Force said Russia has stepped up its offensive against large parts of Ukraine in recent days as it celebrates orthod Orthodox Easter Russia is now resorting to all means to build up its strength the Russian territories cannot provide more troops for the Army when the available troops are not enough the Russian authorities have resorted to a new way authorities have revealed that Russia is forcing Cuban citizens to enlist in the Russian Armed Forces at a salary of about $2,000 a month plus a Russian passport within months of enlisting according to officials online leaks claim that hundreds of Cubans have joined the Russian Armed Forces since February 2022 when the large scale Invasion began in September and October 2023 the names of at least 200 Cubans were leaked by pro- Ukrainian hackers authorities have confirmed at least 31 accounts whose names match the leaked records that appear to be in Russia or linked to the Russian military the authorities investigation also uncovered social media posts suggesting that some Cubans obtained Russian passports within months of enlisting in the armed forces this theory was supported by local media reports suggesting that newly recruited Cuban Fighters would be granted citizenship in the future other Cubans who moved to Russia in the hope of finding work in the construction industry were reportedly sent to the Eastern front in Ukraine instead in September 2023 Cuba uncovered a human trafficking ring aimed at recruiting people to fight for Russia this is a violation that the Cuban foreign Ministry strongly denies Russia continues to step up its campaign to recruit foreigners in neighboring countries and exploits migrant workers in its war against Ukraine to avoid internal mobilization foreigners from Nepal Cuba usbekistan are IA Kazakhstan Somalia as well as other Central Asian and African countries have served as primary targets for recruitment Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree in January allowing foreign Nationals who joined the Russian Armed Forces to apply for Russian citizenship Cuba and Russia allies since the beginning of the Cold War enjoy visa-free travel between the countries as well as direct flights between Havana and Moscow while Russia is dealing with various troubles Ukraine has been booed by a good development Spanish defense minister Margarita robbles announced this morning that Ukraine had received Patriot anti-aircraft missiles from Madrid robless confirmed that the missiles will arrive in less than 10 days after having promised to deliver them to Kiev at the Ramstein format Summit the minister said that the Patriot missiles were sent by Spain in coordination with other Allied countries these missiles are designed for air defense and it must be very clear that they are designed to protect Ukraine from the attacks to which it is exposed the minister stressed during a visit to military facilities in the city of Zaragoza where Ukrainian soldiers are being trained the media had previously reported that Spain would send a limited number of Patriot missiles because the country has a total of around 50 Patriot missiles in reserve robless did not say how many Ukraine had received Spain’s move is the latest in a series of moves by Western countries responding to kiev’s demands for more air defense in the face of increasing Russian missile and drone attacks on cities across Ukraine the us- made Patriots are highly effective in intercepting Russian ballistic and cruise missiles according to President Vladimir zalinski UK Ukraine needs 25 Patriots to protect the country from Russian attacks but foreign minister dmitro kba said that for now Ukraine is focusing on buying seven Patriots to protect its largest cities Germany announced last month that it would provide Ukraine with another Patriot air defense system bringing the total number of Patriots supplied by Germany to three Ukrainian troops with the support of their friends continue to inflict heavy losses on the enemy the National Prayer Breakfast brought together people of different views but all United in their desire to give Ukraine a real victory of good over evil this is what president of Ukraine Vladimir zalinski said in his address to the participants of the National Prayer Breakfast organized under his patronage our prayer breakfast is attended by representatives of different countries and different Community but there is one thing that unites us all and that is our desire to preserve the brightest side of our people and our country to endure this terrible time of war and to ensure for Ukraine a real tangible and exemplary victory of good over evil in terms of International Security so that other aggressors will not attack their neighbors he noted that the history of mankind unfortunately is full of Wars not all of which are so transparent not all of which immediately reveal who is fighting for good who is bringing evil what will be the victory of all people on Earth if Ukraine wins and what will be the loss of humanity if Russia prevails zinski continued now in this war we are defending the values that are close to every normal person everyone who respects life who values the family together no matter how different we are we can achieve achieve all this together because it is written two people can defend themselves even if one is too strong a rope of three strands does not break quickly thank you for watching us

Even Ukrainians in shock! A great mutiny against Putin has begun in Most Famous Russian Battalion!

  1. Crimea is Ukraine 🇺🇦

    Luhansk is Ukraine 🇺🇦

    Donetsk is Ukraine 🇺🇦

    Zaporizhia is Ukraine 🇺🇦

    Kherson is Ukraine 🇺🇦

    Ukraine gained its independence in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR. On December 1, 1991, 92% of Ukrainians who participated in a national referendum voted for independence. In every region of the country, including Crimea, a majority supported separation.

    According to the US State Department, Ukraine has the right and opportunity to reclaim the territories currently occupied by Russia and restore its internationally recognized borders that it had when it became independent in 1991. This is a complex and delicate subject which involves many international actors. It is important to note that any resolution must comply with international law and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries involved.

    Stand with Ukraine and peace to Pete.

  2. Surely by now any soldiers of fortune would be aware of the dire situation of choosing to side with the Russians, especially if it's just money they are after, at least with the Ukrainians you know who the enemy is…

  3. American Media are very good in talking a lot of BULLSHIT while the POPULATION of UKRAINE sre DEAD if AMERICA wants a WAR they should go and fight RUSSIA

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