Average Dutch gangbang

Average Dutch gangbang

by cptbrainbug

  1. Most hospitality-offering Dutch.

    He even bought Freeway™️ and not an off-brand copy.

  2. Surely the trouble with a Dutch gangbang is working through all the tikkies afterwards?

  3. Average Dutch mating ritual. It may cost an arm and a leg but it’s well spend.

  4. You know what, to some Swedes this technically qualifies as a Smörgåsbord so I would attend this guys gangbang for the food only.

  5. ‘Gang’ is Dutch for way, or corridor. ‘Bang’ is Dutch for scared. So this is just saying that the delicious Dutch treats are ready to help comfort those who get PTSD walking through the corridor to those rooms, as well as beds for them to lie down in, and tissues to help dry their tears. It’s so wholesome ❤️

  6. Damn, this is just depressing.

    The gangbangs and fkk clubs I visited had bomb ass buffé’s of food and most even had a full staffed bar.

    But this, this is just shit from lidls bargain bin.


  7. More proof that the Dutch language is basically just English, but the person is speaking it has some kind of brain injury

  8. Realy sets the mood. Are the person to be found there as cheap and depressing as the setting ?

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