SNP leader counting on frustration over Labour to boost support for independence | John Swinney has said “disappointment” with a potential Labour government could boost support for independence in Scotland

SNP leader counting on frustration over Labour to boost support for independence | John Swinney has said “disappointment” with a potential Labour government could boost support for independence in Scotland

by 1DarkStarryNight

  1. First it was the tories winning the election then it was the brexit referendum being proposed, then it was brexit campaign, then it was the brexit result, then it was the threat of hard brexit, then it was wait until brexit really bites then it was May winning an election then it was Boris winning an election and then it was wait until the pandemic is over and now it’s wait until labour get in.

    It’s definitely this time though defintely.

  2. Is he already blaming a Westminster government before said party is even voted in?

  3. There hasn’t been anything inspiring from UK governance for a long time and labour’s lunge to the right has been thoroughly depressing.  

    It has to be better than the shameless Tories (surely), but Labour aren’t offering any sort of positive vision or direction for the country, just some bullshit ambiguous ‘change’ shite. 

    They are just too scared to say anything of substance, apart from capitulating to the ignorant right.  I worry that a lackluster labour performance will likely end in a one term government to then be replaced by something much more extremely right down the road. 

     Living in Scotland it’s hard not to feel like a mere passenger to the whole shit show.

  4. Good! I just hope he doesn’t conflate “independence” with “the SNP”.

  5. This thread will probably be full of people saying “admitting defeat already” and “new people to blame” soon enough, but it’s hardly outrageous to say if Starmer’s Labour don’t offer change like they’re saying and instead emulate Cameron’s Conservatives like they seem to be trying to do it’ll help the SNP/Other parties in general and also help the UKs separatist movements even if it’s just by a few %

  6. I remember it was a Boris Premiership that would boost support for independence. Before that it was Brexit. Yet we are led to believe a centre left wing Labour regime is what will do it.

  7. As we’ve seen with a disastrous Tory government, support for independence won’t rise by itself (if) Labour underperforms. The SNP needs to deliver at Holyrood too and make a stronger case for indy.

  8. The Tories wasn’t enough to do it.

    But they somehow think a Labour government will suddenly change that?

    If you’re an SNP supporter, have you finally accepted that the SNP are completely out of ideas?

    Or are you as delusional as the SNP?

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