Russian soldier revealed there new anti drone vechile

Russian soldier revealed there new anti drone vechile

by SpookyKIDo

  1. Ahhh yes their one and only they will ever make. And it won’t be used near the front for fear of its quick destruction and videos being quickly spread about another failure of the 2nd best army on its 3day operation

  2. Oh man I can’t wait until these start popping up on the drone kill videos.

  3. People complain about the military industrial complex, but if you don’t have it, then you go to war with this kind of shit. 

  4. Is it just me or are the models getting less detailed? That’s like 500 tris and I’d say we are at C&C Generals right now… wondering when we will hit Red Alert 🤔

  5. Rolling out Thunder Dome soon! Roll up on a Bradley in this or a motor bike. See how that ends up.

    Slava Ukraini!

  6. Did they put the launchers for smoke canisters on the fenders? I guess it’s an open canopy so they can see the drones better? Love the six AKs mounted on the back, but still can’t figure out how it’s going to swivel. Sadly, “no-legs” Oleg’s family won’t be seeing their sack of potatoes because it was turned into Vodka to fuel this mad creator’s mind.

    ***Quick, time to capitulate before russia overwhelms and overruns the positions with this Mad Max marvel of engineering!!!***


  7. Really love the way Russia is just devolving into the GLA from C&C Generals 🙂

  8. Ah, they’ve built themselves a drone attractor vehicle!

    Just load it up with some crash test dummies and off you go!

  9. More info:

    Equipped with two turrets, a six-barrelled shotgun and six expelling charges which can shoot around the perimeter of the vehicle. And after they fire all that and still miss, boom.

  10. Future ‘Mad Max’ technology… Today.

    Is there an upgrade, with microlite wings?

  11. even the Z ornament on the cooling grill, this is amazing, the new Zlada looking sleak. And 6 separate AKs in the back, have fun reloading them all. And smoke launchers on the front and back that probably won’t work. This picture keeps on giving i edited my comment three times already because i spotted more funny shit everytime.

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