This is just stupid. Russian Forces, using a Cluster Missile and a Iskander-M SRBM, managed to destroyed 2x UkrAF SU-27/(UB?), and damage 4 other SU-27s, which were all parked in the open at Mirgorod Airbase. I have no words, whoever is in charge of the base, needs to get fired

This is just stupid. Russian Forces, using a Cluster Missile and a Iskander-M SRBM, managed to destroyed 2x UkrAF SU-27/(UB?), and damage 4 other SU-27s, which were all parked in the open at Mirgorod Airbase. I have no words, whoever is in charge of the base, needs to get fired

by rulepanic

  1. Aircraft hangers aren’t some unknown western magic. So build them.

  2. Ukraine needs an airfield in the western part of the country with hardened hangers and dedicated Patriot batteries to host the F16s. They can’t fuck up like this because they won’t get anymore.

  3. Russia hitting military targets? We sure? Was there a school or hospital nearby that they missed?

  4. No. Let them do it again and again. Russians destroying Russian assets is a good thing.

  5. Awful to see this. Thanks for posting negative news in this sub, it’s far too hard to get a balanced picture of what’s going on. Upvoting does not mean you like the underlying event, it means you find the source credible!

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