Nigel Farage says Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party winning would be a ‘disaster’ for France

Nigel Farage says Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party winning would be a ‘disaster’ for France

by kwentongskyblue

  1. So Farage is right? The hard-right Le Pen’s left wing economic policy would be just as bad if not worse as Macrons.

  2. Isn’t Farage a right-winger? Why would he say this? Is this just the petty several hundred year grudge between the French and British surfacing?

  3. I don’t know too much about LePen or the french right, but its hard to imagine that they can be worse than what the tories have done to UK, or what Farage campaigned for with yolo Brexit.

    But he is probably correct tho, considering right wing politics have been a total disaster in every country where its been implemented for a prolonged period of time.

  4. Time will tell. I certainly can’t wait to see how the EU attempts to discipline France after it starts pulling similar things that PiS and Orban have done in Poland and Hungary (If I remember correctly Le Pen have said something about not respecting tribunals decrees etc). For some reason, I feel that the commissioners will be much more understanding towards France 🙂

  5. Huh. Weird. I would have thought their boss in Moscow would ask them to support each other.

  6. Starting to shape the new scapegoats for when they’re in power and they can’t blame the current government anymore. At least for Ale Pen on AfD

  7. Farage is well aware what disaster an election might bring. He is the expert!

  8. At least facists are very bad at building alliances because they are all ultranationalists that puts their own nation above everyone else.

  9. > Ms Le Pen favours a more Left-wing and protectionist economic policy than Mr Farage. Her policies are grounded in cutting taxes, raising spending and borrowing heavily. In recent days, the party has rowed back on some of its more expensive plans in a bid to reassure markets. Mr Farage, who has a longer history of backing free markets and low borrowing, has argued for significant spending cuts to try to shake up the Government’s finances.

    So this is basically Farage’s main point of contention with Le Pen? Plus him calling her an antisemite and general primadonna cat fighting between the two. I have to be honest, after reading this article I’m more confused than before…

  10. Did anyone bother to read the article? Farage’s criticism of Marine Le Pen is that she is hostile to free markets and laissez faire economics. She’s too left wing for his taste. He is very much in line with her in terms of how they view the EU and immigration, the latter being the single most important issue that attracts voters to her party.

  11. At this point he’ll say anything to be on the news. Not the worst tactic. He’s a horrible politician and an even worse person, but he sure knows how to get exposure.

  12. One of the great advantages of good over evil, is that good can cooperate with good much more easily than evil can cooperate with evil.

  13. You know, given the usual narrative on r/europe I’m surprised that so many people see her as « far right ». The national rally party is right wing for France, but compared to the US say, it’s really not.

    However, if you’re an American journalist asking questions to French people, they’ll tell them that they are far right.

    And it should be noted that the NR doesn’t consider itself far right

  14. Far-right is eating itself alive? But their sponsor still has some chances in Ukraine. No need to jump the gun like that.

  15. Le Pen has been distancing herself from Putinism while Farage has come out as full blown Putin blow jobbyist. I’m really confused.

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