Compilation of The most brutal Fpv drones strikes in the past month

Compilation of The most brutal Fpv drones strikes in the past month

by SpookyKIDo

  1. This is really brutal warfare. I see them as criminals on death row, so they got what was coming for them. If you fuck up, you’ll end up in a compilation on Reddit. 🎶 Slava Ukraini 🎶🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  2. “Take a look to the sky, just before you die, it’s the last time you will”.

  3. > Compilation of The most brutal Fpv drones strikes in the past month

    This appears to include videos from Strike Drone Company and you missed quite a few others from that unit that should be part of that compilation…

  4. This is on Putin alone. Go fight for my greed. I don’t care that your wives, children, elderlies suffer at home. Just go and get me what I want.

  5. I feel like they hit the legs just to cause more suffering like just go for head or upper chest with the drone if possible I mean they’re gonna die either way

  6. Serious question – why hasn’t a gun that shoots out a net been developed???

    Seems like an obvious solution, right?

  7. 🔥🇺🇦Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🔥

  8. It’s sad that this needs to happen to stop Ukrainians dying……but until the orcs turn their guns against their leaders this shit needs to keep happening

  9. That look when you finally realize u made bad decisions. Should’ve stayed in jail. Sad part is alot these guys probably didn’t really choose to go to Ukraine. But the fact is they’re there and now they gotta deal with it.

  10. And as always none of these guys would’ve had to die had they simply not invaded a foreign country they’re not supposed to be in.

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