Russia to Upgrade Corvettes with Enhanced Protection Against Naval Drones

Russia to Upgrade Corvettes with Enhanced Protection Against Naval Drones

by Mil_in_ua

  1. > The CEO of the Ak Bars shipbuilding corporation stated that the ships will receive additional protection from marine drones in the engine room.

    So they’re going to bolt Kontakt-1 ERA boxes to the hull, got it.

    Seriously though, no actual countermeasure is suggested here, just a vague promise of extra armor of some sort.

  2. Those dumb russian sailors are going to find out that the cope cages actually are there to keep them inside the ship while it sinks.

  3. I think every major navy in the world is currently working on this issue, the fact Russia is comes as no surprise

  4. Didn’t read the article. Assuming Russia is buying a bunch of Chevy Corvettes, fitting them with cope cages and replacing their current Front Line Troop Golfcarts with them.

  5. Russian shipyards are more dangerous than naval drones, they’ve taken out entire aircraft carriers.

  6. So they are going to upgrade them to submarines like what Ukraine is already doing? Genius!

  7. So they are going to mount guns to defend against surface drones knowing full well Ukraine has subsurface drone prototypes already in existence?

    Considering they didn’t build in a proper compartment defense for their engine rooms they seem to be ignoring that any subsurface detonation is going to break the back of these shitty corvettes.

  8. Excellent.

    Every billion they dump into useless novelty that won’t give them shit is one billion less spent on FAB glide bombs killing Ukrainians or setting up capacity to build new artillery barrels at scale.

    The more of these corvettes the better.

    **Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake!**

  9. Broom handles with grenades on the end stuck to the hull like a porcupine?

  10. With fucking turtle cages? Yeah right! It works so well on their antique tanks.

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