Montenegro slips on European path as it condemns Croatian and German WWII death camps

Montenegro slips on European path as it condemns Croatian and German WWII death camps

by DoryJohn

  1. In the latest development from recent resolution by Montenegro, EU council chief Charles Michel postponed his visit to Podgorica to a later date.

    Montenegro’s parliament recently voted resolution condemning genocide in Jasenovac, Dachau, and Mauthausen WWII deathcamps. The resolution came in the wake of recent Srebrenica UN resolution, whose draft was proposed by Germany, and which condemns any forms of Srebrenica genocide denial – a very often rhetoric by both Serbian and government of Republic of Srpska (entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina).

    Montenegro is deeply divided on the topic, whereas critics of the Montenegro resolution indicate resolution to be orchestrated from Belgrade, and it’s primary goal is to further destabilise region, and move Montenegro away from it’s European path.

    Serbia’s pro-Russian President Aleksandar Vučić congratulated Montenegro on Sunday for passing the resolution and announced he would visit the country this month.

    Ever since separating from Serbia in 2006. Montenegro is struggling with Serbian and Russian influence in the country. Despite these, Montenegro joined NATO and has built good relationships with it’s neighbours despite the unfortunate events form the 90s.

  2. As it should condemn. It is not Montenegro “slipping on European path”, it is Croatian pettiness getting in the way. Nobody with a minimum amount of history knowledge of the region will deny or try to minimize the crimes committed by the Ustase regime unless they are dishonest

  3. I don’t understand. Aren’t those death camps already recognised by both Croatia and Germany? What do I miss?

  4. So the reason why this is an issue is because Montenegro voted for Srebrenica resolution. In response, Serbian president said that they have a response ready and Montenegro passing this resolution was “his response”. That’s why this is an issue, it has nothing to do with the text of the resolution (even tho the text has some mistakes as well, for example it makes it sound that the camp operated only in 1945, and not before).

    So it’s about Montenegrin sovereignty, Montenegrin president recognized that already [Jakov Milatovic 🇲🇪🇪🇺 on X: “Žao mi je što je partija koju sam stvarao, i koja je imala presudnu ulogu u rušenju bivšeg režima, danas postala politička marioneta.” / X](

    “I am sorry that the party I created, which played a decisive role in the overthrow of the former regime, has today become a political puppet.” – his statement from when Jasenovac resolution was passed

    The issue here now is how do we know that by letting Montenegro in EU we are not giving Serbia Veto powers?

  5. Trying to be a good friends with Serbia and trying to join the EU. Plus being a Russian intelligence playground and still trying to join the EU. This is so 21st century vibes. Being hateful to the West and still trying to join it for benefits.

  6. And someone argued that Germany would happily accept that declaration. I guess I was right and that Croatias little “dont do that” was much more relaxed than this…

  7. Yeah man, how dare they call out something that we already agreed with?

  8. How unpredictable that the users of r/europe sub would condemn this decision…

    I applaud Montenegro for taking into account both Srebrenica, Jasenovac and other death camps mentioned

  9. Isn’t it fair to have an U.N. General Assembly resolution on Jasenovac, if there was one for Srebrenica?

    Wouldn’t it be better to have one resolution condemning all the death camps in former Yugoslavia Instead of cherry picking just one?

  10. The satellites in Montenegro that listen from are currently signaling that Montenegro can be with a reason halted if they soon don’t switched them off.

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