Countries that made Cristiano Ronaldo Does Santos Aveiro cry in 2024

GG João, both teams would deserve to win tbh

by MiskoSkace

  1. This is what football is about. Hate. Hating every club except your own, hating your own club. Hating every other country and above all your own manager in internationals. Hatewatching that overpaid sex offender cry on the fucking telly. Priceless.

  2. ![gif](giphy|12WxFiMHBUl1RK|downsized)

    Loooooooooooool. Who’s crying now?

  3. Portugal played like shit. They seem to keep forgetting that it’s a team, not ronaldo+10.

  4. Not true, many countries made him cry. As for Slovenia, Portugal is the only country to make the whole country cry this year.

  5. Chupa aqui oh esloveno/eslovaco/nem sei de que país és

    Good game mate, you guys did well

  6. Pls Slovenia, if you really mean it invade us, pls pls pls pls pls give us a reason pls pls pls

  7. Ngl all of Portugal whipping their sausages out for beating some random Balkan country after 2 hours, 0-0, after the penalties… not sure there’s much to be smug about

    At least Barry was entertaining

    A win’s a win though, well played

  8. I swear if we lost to fucking slovenia i whould swap for a spanish citizenship. So many oportunities and nada.

  9. CR7 will score against Piere, mark my words, if not I’m retaking Constantinople alone.

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