Trump Tower kommt nach Saudi-Arabien

Trump Tower kommt nach Saudi-Arabien

  1. Amazingly, twice the amount of cash needed to build such a structure will flow through the coffers somehow.

  2. Gee, I wonder why SA wasn’t included in the Trump “Muslim ban”?

    It’s almost like he did them a favor and, in return, they’re allowing one of his gaudy towers in SA.

    What’s that called again?

    Remember this anytime Trump says anything about the troops or 9/11…15 of 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi nationals.

  3. If he takes the bribes after he gives them everything, its not a bribe. The American supreme Court is amazing. 

  4. Trump could have gone to NK and tell the Kim he can finish the construction of unfinished Ryugyong Hotel provided he can change the hotel name to TRUMP.

  5. That can mean two things. One. He is so sure he will win he already start it without worrying he will go bankrupt. Two. He already knows he is gonna lose the elections and rushes it in order to hide there from all the debtors or jail once the courts get to him.

    Friendly reminder, it’s 10 days left now until the judge decides his first of hopefully many more punishments.

  6. Jared Kushner will assist at the ribbon-cutting. Michael Cohen will be accepting appearance fees to comment on evening and weekend news.

  7. Biden should do this with China and laugh at how the righties can’t do anything against him.

  8. Wonder if this is paying for something he has already done, or if its paying for something he is going to do.

  9. As long as he did mutter the words qui pro quo, the Supreme Court says it’s not a bribe.

    God this country is fucked

  10. Well of course it is. They are probably paying for it too. Just add it to the 2B given to Kuchner.

  11. They’re literally throwing it our faces and daring anyone to do anything. Vote blue.

  12. And we can point to the exact date the US became a Cyberpunk dystopia officially.

  13. Trump could’ve ordered DoD to transfer billions in weapons to Saudi Arabia in an explicit quid pro quo exchange for a deal for him to build Trump Tower there, and after today’s Supreme Court ruling, he would have immunity from criminal prosecution for this corruption.

    We have become a banana republic.

  14. Trump steals top secret documents for Kushner to sell for 2billion and a deal for Trump tower SA.

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