Daughters of a Russian serviceman recorded a video revealing that their father, despite being unfit due to a severe injury, was sent to a combat zone where he was brutally beaten and extorted by his new commander. Following the assault, he went missing.

Daughters of a Russian serviceman recorded a video revealing that their father, despite being unfit due to a severe injury, was sent to a combat zone where he was brutally beaten and extorted by his new commander. Following the assault, he went missing.

by BigDeckBob

  1. Who are these people complaining to i wonder.
    Only people that listen is the FSB.

  2. Fit enough to die. Soak up bullets and drones. My heart aches but his has stopped beating

  3. Something tells me these girls are going to trip and fall out of a window…

  4. The time for saving their father was a decade ago. They can speak up now, to promote a change that will benefit their grand kids.

  5. I feel anger, because of their sick mentality, we in UE must waste money for weapons instead for increasing life quality! I support Ukraine to be clear!

  6. Endemic and systemic.

    These people still can’t grasp the bigger picture. Even when it slaps them right in the face, they’re sure to skim around calling out the entire issue.

  7. “Our father signed a contract to murder ukr0 hohol civilians for money so we could buy more makeup. However, he was injured and then forced to kill more ukr0 hohol civilians for money but we never got any of it so now we’re complaining.”

  8. He went in Ukraine to kill children like you in exchange of money/rubles.

    He has found what he has subscribed for…🤷🏻‍♂️

    Do not forget to shout at the end: long live tzar🤖 Poo-tin💩❗️KGB is watching you 👹

  9. Go to Moscow. The ultimate commander of “commander” Putin, will just have an easier time putting you both in jail for suitable torture. The fish rots- sinks at the head 1st and then down to the tail!

  10. Russia conscripting 60 year old men as “assaulters”, and the general public in Moscow think nothing is wrong. Everything is perfectly fine.

  11. As long as botox and makeup are flowing, your live can’t be so bad. Except for daddy, of course…

  12. Looks like she has plenty of money to do cosmetic surgery. Therefore, no bag of onions for them.

  13. Thought the one on the right was dad hiding trying to get out of service tbh

  14. They and 10,000 more will morn the loss of their loved ones. Stop the bloody war, and then they can come back,not in body bags.

  15. I almost cared for a second but then her eyebrows reminded me their ruzzian scum. Boohoo daddy is 200.

  16. If i was looking for a RuSSian family member lost in Ukraine, I would start here, or rDroneCombat.

  17. “We blame only Zolotoy for our father’s death” is a shocking amount of cognitive dissonance.

  18. Go to Moscow so the cops will arrest you then rape you like they do to the rest. It’s funny she thinks the only lawless unit was the one her dad was in LOL. Lady orcs are the most corrupt force in the world EVERY unit is massively corrupt and if you want anything done about it you’ll have to go kill Putin and reform your laws and military from the ground up.

  19. Well I only get beaten once, second time I have the money in lead form and Zolotoy can suck my balls.

    Second, they only complain about Zolotoy and not about his father killing Ukrainians, her father is more than dead, should check the dron footage from Ukrainians and will find him.

    The sad part is that we will have these cheap whores in few years here in Europe smiling while inside are as bad as their father and Zolotoy. Fking degenerates.

  20. You only need to await your bag of onions as compensation. Please stay in your open air prison as we do not need you coming to the West.

  21. Looks like she needs some comfort from an American man. What’s uppp shorty

  22. They really should have dubbed in some sad russian violin music to this.

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