Export documents signed! Two dozen F-16s will be underway to Ukraine, says Dutch Minister of Defense Ollongren. They can be used everywhere, including Russian territory

Export documents signed! Two dozen F-16s will be underway to Ukraine, says Dutch Minister of Defense Ollongren. They can be used everywhere, including Russian territory

by MatchingTurret

  1. Export docs were signed exactly 4 weeks before 17/7. Leaves 4 weeks to get the delivered, and taken into use on 17/7, as a little MH17 payback.

  2. 24 jets doesn’t sound like a lot but air cover makes all the difference during ground assaults, and much of the attacking done by both sides is in small groups under 100 men. Russia has been pretty much stuck in the same trenches for 18 months now, so defense is not an issue. Any new capability will allow Ukraine to attack in one place or another, so it will be great some advances this summer.

  3. hmmm, I still don’t know what this means for actual combat schedule.

    When will they start flying in Ukraine?

    Is it in transit or still requires maintenance, test, waiting for UKR’s bunker and infras readiness?

    Very vague, but I suppose that’s a good thing.

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