Keir Starmer, favourite to become next PM, says he would quit if he lost election

Keir Starmer, favourite to become next PM, says he would quit if he lost election

by Ameliasco

  1. When’s he going to start trying to win? It’s only a couple of days away…

  2. I could be the next prime minister, better watch out Keir, I’m coming 😉

  3. The election has really dragged on way too long with some of the stories they are now covering.

    They are just desperate for a new angle on the two major parties.

  4. Well,

    * Corybn leader for 5 years.
    * Miliband was leader for 5 years.
    * Brown leader for 3 years.
    * Blair leader for 13 years… *who won a lot.*

    It’s coming up on Starmer’s 5th year, this isn’t much of a big deal.

  5. Is it actually possible for him to lose? Pretty much the whole country hates the Conservatives now.

  6. Last 3 leaders resigned when they lost elections, nothing out of the ordinary here

  7. Wouldn’t that be great? Let’s kick them to the curb!

    Vote REFORM !

  8. I mean no actual harm to the man but if he somehow loses *this* election he should probably just kill himself. 

  9. He can go now. Stupid dalek voice and surprised expression like he’s been caught wanking.

  10. It’s near impossible to lose this election, yet he’s still giving it a good go.

    No option other than to quit if he manages to mess it up

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  12. It is a few days old but yes Starmer was asked if he would resign if Labour loses and he said yes.

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