Sommer-Covid-Welle „baut sich auf“, nachdem die Zahl der Krankenhauseinweisungen zugenommen hat

Sommer-Covid-Welle „baut sich auf“, nachdem die Zahl der Krankenhauseinweisungen zugenommen hat

  1. Shocking…except everyone wants to pretend they have a summer cold😳

  2. Might as well get used to annual Covid vaccine shot just like regular flu shot.

  3. Honestly would’nt mind lockdowns again. Empty roads, streets, those were the days…

  4. Nothing to see here people, just move along, this strain of covid is just the new yearly flu

  5. Well that explains why my household has it right now.

    At least it’s pretty mild, though that is probably partly because we all got the latest booster last fall.

  6. I’m not trying to make anyone mad but do boosters actually do anything? Just from my anecdotal evidence some up to date on the shots got it worse than those without. Just asking because I’m due for one but last one really made me feel like shit so I’ve been putting it off.

  7. I’m pretty sure I just got over covid and it was not fun people. And I got the vaccine not even 3 months ago. Get vaxed and boosted

  8. I had it for the first time after returning from london. My husband got a bad case 4 weeks later. Didn’t travel.

  9. I just got over it. Got my negative test today! Wasn’t bad, really. Felt run down for a few days.

  10. This comment section is a fucking dumpster fire.

    Daughter is getting hit with covid the SECOND time. Last time we got hit through Christmas and missed our gatherings. She has a rash from head to toe, is sicker than a dog and tylenol barely breaks the fever. Through Christmas it took her and I THREE months to get our sense of smell and taste back. Imagine your kid having EVERYTHING she LOVED before food wise, and turn her nose and say “Daddy this tastes funny. This tastes weird. I don’t like this anymore”. Including ice cream. Including sweets. Including damn well **everything** she **loved** before.

    It effects everybody differently, and some worse than others. You can’t compare apples to oranges. God damn I’m fed up with this 4 years in and thr amount of people saying “well cold this cold that it’s not bad because I’ve never had it / just got the sniffles so you’re making shit up”. Get your head out of your ass and have some empathy, this is an *unprecedented* illness that can’t be compared to the *common cold*, or Influenza A/B. The latter two which we have dealt with for a **long** time, the former which we’ve *only* dealt with for **FOUR YEARS**. Keep acting like you know everything about it… because we don’t.

    Have a kid dealing with it, TWICE – then talk the way you are now about it. Can nearly guarantee you won’t. This shit SUCKS and I feel SO bad for her.

  11. I mean what are we supposed to do at this point. Vaxxed and unvaxxed, maskers and non-masked, old and young and in between can get it. Severity and variety of symptoms is random. Chance of ending up with long covid is random. Chance of being asymptomatic is random.

    I’m just going to take the same precautions I take to avoid getting sick in general and hope for the best….

  12. Everyone just says it allergies and refuse to get tested for plausible deniability.

  13. Had covid all last week. Rough. Now this week I feel like I’m breathing theif through a wet cloth

  14. All you can do is try to stay safe. If you’re vaxed your chances of getting slaughtered by it are significantly lower. You can still get it and chances are you will but it’s the new cold/flu that the world is going to deal with going forward. And it’ll never be irradiated because folks believe they are being infringed upon and refuse to be vaccinated after some internet troll said the virus was safer than the disease.
    Life has changed for everyone.

  15. I just got a positive test last night…..yay 4th time. It’s has really fucked up my body.

  16. I’m pretty sure I had Covid for a couple weeks it felt very covidy. I almost passed out while driving and went to the Ed (I recently started a new med) they were like have you had Covid symptoms and I was like yes they were like ok .. I’m not sure why they are asking any more. (Rn here)

  17. I ended up with covid-19 on June 5th, and today is my third day out of bed. This is my second time getting it, and I hope it is also the last one. Boy, was i sick. I never want to feel that way again. Take care, take precautions because I disregarded them, and now regret it. Covid-19 is here to stay.

  18. Already had a lovely European version of it twice now. Caught a Stockholm variant in 21 and a lovely Parisian variant just a couple months ago.

  19. I just tested positive last week. It was pretty minor though. I had to take a few days off from work for it. I came back to find like a quarter of my department had it.

  20. 2.5yrs since my first infection at the age of 24. Now I’m 27 and still unable to exercise or work for more than 4 hrs a day.

  21. The next Pandemic is happening now with bird flu. Finland is currently vaccinating its farmers and Ireland is vaccinating the high risk. But the US just buries its head in the sand. Should be interesting to see this all happen with Covid still around. Buckle up.

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