4:52 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 859th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. ANNOUNCEMENT: It’s hot out there! This month, the mods of r/Ukraine are collecting donations for critical Water Filtration 🚰 for the front. Info in comments.

4:52 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 859th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. ANNOUNCEMENT: It’s hot out there! This month, the mods of r/Ukraine are collecting donations for critical Water Filtration 🚰 for the front. Info in comments.

by duellingislands

1 comment
  1. Dear r/Ukraine Community,

    You may have noticed that this July is going to be a hot one.

    As mods and volunteers, we communicates every day with volunteer groups and military units operating in Ukraine.  **One of the most common things we are hearing this summer is the urgent need for greater water availability and quality.**  Much of the scarcity is due to russia’s cowardly destruction of the Kakhovka dam last year in one of the biggest acts of terrorism and ecocide in history.

    We know that water quality is maybe not the sexiest topic compared to the flashy stuff, but please understand that clean water’s importance on the battlefield (and during humanitarian efforts) cannot be overemphasized and sometimes doesn’t get the attention it deserves.  It’s also not only a matter of drinking, cooking or washing: units on the front line also need high quality water for cleaning the wounds of the injured, an absolutely crucial function to ensure the best chances of healing.

    That’s why this month r/Ukraine mods have teamed up with the Ukraine Front Line NGO to fundraise and source a variety of water equipment (you can read their post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1dt8am0/its_2_tuesday_this_month_were_teaming_up_with_the/)).  In fact, we’ve managed to get access to some very good pricing on Sawyer portable systems that require no power; this will allow us to meet the individual needs of several units if we can make our goal.

    **We have set a pretty big goal of $3000 for the month, but we think we’ll get there with your help!  We will also be providing updates on the initiative as we go, so keep an eye out.**

    # Donations can be made [AT THIS LINK](https://givebutter.com/ukrainesub).

    Slava Ukraini!

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