Doing research on and I am trying to see the original spelling of my last name. Any help is appreciated.

Looking for someone who is able to read German/old German ( from 1660-1890ish) range. The only real thing I would need is for someone to look at a few documents and tell me how one word (my last name) is spelled on the document and maybe what it means. Anyone let me know if this isn't allowed or if anyone can help. My last name is (Aichroth) so the name that I would be looking for is something close to that (aichroth, eichroth, einhardt, etc)

by Tugtheviking

  1. **Have you read our extensive wiki yet? It answers many basic questions, and it contains in-depth articles on many frequently discussed topics.
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  2. You could get a faster response from a Facebook group specific to genealogy German translations.

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