Kiew drängt Verbündete zur Einrichtung einer Flugverbotszone in der Westukraine

Kiew drängt Verbündete zur Einrichtung einer Flugverbotszone in der Westukraine

Kyiv Pushes Allies to Create No-Fly Zone in Western Ukraine

  1. Maybe a stupid thought but if any NATO country interviened then would that mean full scale war?

  2. Yes, Ukrainians absolutely need this. They deserve to have at least SOME part of their country where they don’t need to fear Russian missiles and fighter jets. It honestly seems like a pretty small ask too, NATO forces could easily establish a no-fly zone in Ukraine’s west. Sure Russia will send a warning or whatever, but who the hell cares, just add it to the pile (that’s becoming a mountain at this point).

  3. According to russia the people in ukraine are nazi. I think we can help our russian pals by settings up a no fly zone so the evil ukrainians dont try to launch attacks from western ukraine. Should probably send in troops too, so they dont hurt the poor russians, they are poor and cant protect themselves.

  4. They did it for Isreal, they can and should do it in Ukraine. This isn’t even a proper No-Fly Zone with allied fighter jets participating, they’re just asking us to put some air defenses along the polish border, so that missiles that would otherwise kill innocent people are instead intercepted. It’s not like there are Russian jets with pilots flying in western Ukraine. Russian missiles have even violated NATO air space in the past so this is for our own security as much as it is Ukraine.

  5. Seems reasonable.

    Russia deliberately and undeniably provoked aggression choosing the irreversible path of war.

    Russia made a catastrophic mistake and is now vulnerable. History is full of such errors.

    I’m just a random with an interest in military history and I can clearly see the historic opportunity to take advantage of this situation.

    The Pentagon/NATO is filled with the most intelligent and well informed military minds in history combined with undeniably the most powerful military force in the history of Earth by an order of magnitude.

    The only limit is politics but this is such a fucking tball that I cannot imagine we miss.

    The pots boiling and the frog ain’t moving. Crush them and be done with it.

  6. Troubling times indeed. Act now, not just add to the growing mountain of warnings. A no-fly zone seems the lesser of two evils here

  7. It’s another of Russia’s “red lines” to work on.

    First establish a cordon along their Western border to protect NATO countries from Russian missiles, then expand the perimeter to cover more and more of Ukraine.

    That which crosses it should be destroyed, including the offending base or unit that launched it. It should be made clear to Russia that they will not be winning this genocidal invasion.

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