Ukrainian military captures a group of Russian soldiers during an assault on positions in Seversky

Ukrainian military captures a group of Russian soldiers during an assault on positions in Seversky

by JagerReich

  1. Russian soldier getting fixed up by Ukrainian medic thinking : “Everything my commanders told me is a lie”.

  2. Smart Russians. They will get better care in the POW camp than they will anywhere on their side.

  3. Ukrainians treat them better than their own people do. Every single one of the Russians would be smart to lay down their arms, surrender peacefully, and tell the Russian world that Putin lied to them all.

  4. It’s absolutely stunning, The amount of humanity that the Ukrainians continue to show russians. We must learn from them and not lose our humanity Either.

  5. On fucking believable. The way Ukraine soldiers treat Russians soldiers and Ukraine soldiers come back from Russia looking like skeletons.

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