Trump says he can end the Russia-Ukraine war in one day. Russia’s UN ambassador says he can’t

Trump says he can end the Russia-Ukraine war in one day. Russia’s UN ambassador says he can’t

by southernemper0r

  1. If the leader of your party is a bullshitter, that makes you the party of bullshit, right?

  2. Not sure how to feel about this…

    It’s *assumed* that Trump would “end the war” by weakening Ukraine by cutting off aid, and strengthening Russia through lifting of sanctions, thereby forcing a Ukrainian surrender.

    But he’s never actually been specific on his plan… It’s just a lot of scattered comments on questions he often vacillates on (including bragging that “Putin *wouldn’t have* invaded if he were president”).

    My *hope* would be that this comment is based on intel held by Russia that maybe Trump *wouldn’t* do those things if elected (or at least, if he did, Europe would step up to fill the gap).

    My *fear* is that, in addition to being ready to fight for a *long* time if the status quo is preserved, Russia is ready to *escalate* if they’re given favorable terms by Trump– ie, Trump secures a “peace deal” by further hobbling Ukraine and forcing a ceasefire at (current) borders, but that won’t be good enough for Russia–the”Ukraine question” won’t have been solved that day, so they’ll push on to Kyiv and beyond.

  3. Trump ending the war would be a violation of the Logan Act. As of today!: SCOTUS ruling, Biden could consult with the DOJ and order Trump to be arrested as an official act.

  4. He only cares about saying things that sound good at the moment. He probably can’t remember most of what he says minutes later. It seems to work.

  5. Unless he orders to bomb Moscow at the first day of office. It is impossible.

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