A second hit on Myrhorod airbase in Poltava region (over 150km from the frontline) in two weeks, Russian sources report 7 planes destroyed, Ukraine claims 1 destroyed and 4 damaged. Regardless, no reinforced hangars and recon drone that was allowed to operate over an airbase is extremely troubling.

A second hit on Myrhorod airbase in Poltava region (over 150km from the frontline) in two weeks, Russian sources report 7 planes destroyed, Ukraine claims 1 destroyed and 4 damaged. Regardless, no reinforced hangars and recon drone that was allowed to operate over an airbase is extremely troubling.

by jesterboyd

  1. This feels weird, UKR is not this stupid.

    Once, sure, twice?

    Feels like bait.

  2. That’s really not good. Here’s to hoping Ukraine can field enough skyranger systems for all airfields eventually.

  3. Even a tent would be helpful as it would disguise what was in the tent, so Russia would not know where to strike.

  4. Imagine the stupidity of not even putting basic cover over airplane parking spots so an opponents can’t know where/if planes are at that location. this far into a war.

  5. I see two possibilities:
    Either these planes are effectively non-flyable and held there.


    The commander in charge(of defending this AB) is incompetent / a rat.

    The SU 24 seen there is highly valuable and a painful loss if it was hit.
    The SU-27s can be compensated by F16s.

    But what the hell? I hope ruzzia wont repeat the airfield meme on UA :/

  6. Hopefully this is politically embarrassing enough for real changes to be made. Ukraine can’t afford to make the same mistakes as Russia.

  7. This one is difficult to analyze without more information. Most aircraft at the Airbase have not moved since after the war began. Its possible that some decoys were put among combat aircraft. When preparing for a mission and the timing was “unfortunate”. Either way actions need to be taken to prevent it from happening 

  8. It’s ridiculous that a loitering recon drone could sit over the base for so long. There is no way that should be happening.

  9. I’m wondering if those planes were unrepairable in the first place and were park there as decoys. Funny how Ukraine doesn’t seem to upset about it.

  10. I think the next big big breakthrough in military tech isn’t going to be drones themselves, but ways of detecting all these little drones in the air, If they had some sort of super sensitive devices that could pick up all the radio waves that they transmit so you could find them or at least know they’re around so you can hide your planes or something,. 

    But hopefully Russia never figures that out.

  11. Airfield…need airfield….in a real war, F35B is king! Can hide in a hole underground in the middle of nowhere

  12. Could these be decoy planes? I recall the US recently bought up a bunch of old Soviet non serviceable airframes from some back water place. Speculation was for spare parts and to put out as decoys.

  13. Yuriy Ignat


    Everyone is so excited about the news when the Ukrainian Defense Forces strike at the occupier’s airports! “Minus one, two, three, or more occupant boards will never bomb Ukrainian cities again… »


    And from when the enemy strikes, and what can you say, daily lurks around our airports, trying to destroy Ukrainian aviation, and sometimes reaches its goal… we are ready to social media spray anyone and everything, I mean my commanders that “couldn’t, didn’t groom” etc. д.!!!

    Check out the official telegram of the Air Force! They (airports) are under fire every day, under ballistics every day, by the eyes of enemy drones and constant attacks! Our people are on the ground trying to preserve what is there and strike back! And I won’t elaborate on the incredible effort it’s being done.
    It’s a war, and unfortunately not without loss of technology.

    This is me regarding the enemy strike on Mirgorod airport. The poreêbríkom is madly enjoying, attribute to their gains a bunch of boards su-27. !ай! Yes all the time. Not everything is as scary as you, Ukrainians, write on emotions.

    The blow was there. There are some losses, but not at all as the enemy attributes, after all, they always do so since the beginning of the invasion.
    The Air Force is doing everything it can to counter the enemy, mislead the enemy, including through mockups and other means.

    So I ask the leading media, bloggers, telegram channels to curb emotions and respect our defenders!
    We already have enough politicians, deputies and “opinion leaders” who are better than m@ck@lív disgrace the Ukrainian military in front of society, partners, it’s completely irresponsible.

    Let’s unite, that’s the only way to win!

    🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!

    Yuri Ignatius


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