Is Saturday a Werktag in Germany?

I always thought Werktag meant a day from Monday to Friday, but some people said I should pay for parking also on Saturday. Any thoughts? Thanks 🙂

by osw_jos

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  2. Yes, Saturday counts as Werktag, unless it is an official public holiday.

  3. At parking machines its either mo to fr or mo to sa.

    Normal Workdays is mo to sa.
    Thus expected the payment like that at Saturday and be happy when the divice dont let you stick coins in and it doesn’t view Sa as Workday.

  4. Yes. A “Werktag” is any day on which you have to work; applied to the general population, it’s any day that isn’t either a Sunday or a public holiday — so that includes most Saturdays.

    The word for Monday to Friday is “Wochentag”, as opposed to “Wochenende” for Saturday and Sunday.

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