US says actions of Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Office deeply worrying and undemocratic

US says actions of Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Office deeply worrying and undemocratic

by guyoffthegrid

  1. “‘The United States is deeply concerned by the Hungarian government’s implementation of the “Defense of National Sovereignty Act,’ including this week’s draconian actions by the recently established ‘Sovereignty Protection Office’ to target the operations of civil society and independent media organizations.”, the U.S. State Department said in a statement, which was spotted by on their website.

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    ‘The Hungarian government’s attempt to harass, intimidate, and punish independent organizations runs counter to the principles of democratic governance rooted in the rule of law. This law places no limit on this entity’s ability to target the human rights and fundamental freedoms of its own citizens and puts at risk any country, business entity, or individual that chooses to engage with them. The United States will continue to advocate for the protection of civil society organizations and media freedom in the face of these anti-democratic measures’ – the statement of the U.S. State Department says.”

  2. 1. US always warns!

    2. EU never listens!

    3. EU regrets being stupid!

    4. EU gets weaker and weaker!

    5. EU dismantles and Russia, China, US conquers it through wars and / or economically!

    Every traitor / trojan horse left inside the EU to do whatever it wants will just put another nail in EU’s coffin.

  3. As much as I despise orban and the current governemnt: These hypocrites want to ban a chinese app unless the chinese sell it to them but investigating foreign funded ngo-s that want to influence public opinion is suddenly undemocratic.

    Of course unless it is russia funding the ngo then it is our civic duty to report that. Lol

  4. Meanwhile, supreme court in US just declared presidential-monarchy (if that makes sense) by granting in practice almost full immunity for the president, which legalizes Trump’s coup attempts and other crimes, and which means the president can essentially do whatever the fuck they want.

    So maybe they should STFU about democratic standards at this point while their own house is literally engulfed in flames.

  5. What matters here is not the US saying something. US words on these kinds of matters are worthless. What matters here is that the EU should already have done something about these atitudes of Orban, a LONG TIME AGO!

  6. And supreme court in USA give trump all what he want.

    And pro putin le pen won election in France.

    And Slovakia go full in authoritarianism.

    And Hungary head of eu now.

    And north korea military will be soon in Ukraine and kim get full technologies from putin.

    And china military planes are spotted in Russia.

    World is on fire. And world leaders have no balls to do something about that when axis of evil are full in development and in proxy war with west.

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