Elder Scrolls races but as Europeans

Feel free to improve the list. I also have to apologised to my fellow PIGS Portuguese and to the Belgians, I know I did you dirty but in real life I love you both.

by Strong-Clothes4993

  1. Brazilian Carnaval is probably the least Portuguese thing ever, but it is crazy good, we’ll take it.

  2. Ok, who are the lucky bastards that are the ascended-to-godhood dwarves?

  3. Bretons are literally portraying a french region, not an identity that can be assumed by sub-french. Curb your dreams, OP

  4. * Imperials – British
    * Bretons – French
    * Altmer – Italians
    * Bosmer – Spanish
    * Nord – Scandinavians
    * Dunmer – Portuguese
    * Redguard – Arabs
    * Argonians – Dutch
    * Orcs – Germans

  5. “I prefer not to speak” are not Europeans, why did you include them here? This should have obviously been Romanians (for eastoids) or Poles (for quasi-eastoids)

  6. Last time I saw a list like this, they made us Imperials. Never wanted to kms more. Orcs are perfect for us. Not some fookin milk drinkin scum.

  7. Everyone knows argonians are Portuguese and khajiit are Romanian!

    But good comparison tho

  8. I’m fine with bosmer, wood elves are fucking cool

    Also stealth archer is literally the most OP build in the game


  9. Spain? Warrior spirit?

    Sure, okay, I guess if it’s warrior like to sleep.

  10. ***The moment i meet you i will extort your mother’s location out of your lips, torture you on the slow process of getting to it, keep you alive with a car battery tied to your nips, then make you watch as a turn your mother into a soup and feed it to you. You have nowhere to run.***

    Edit: I’ve felt that is too harsh even for a speaking-like-i-mean-it-when-i-really-dont moment, so dont take that serious. A mother is not a thing to joke about. Sorry for that

  11. Man, you clearly don’t understeand crap about Elder Scrolls races ngl. Ok that’s a meme, but i shall correct you:

    Bretons are the frenchs/Brits

    Nords are the Nordicks/Germanics

    Imperials are the PIGS (but actually they’re mix of everyone else)

    Red Guards are the cooler arabs

    Khajits are the Roma people

    The elves (orcs and dwemer are elves too) and the argonians are their own thing.

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