Alright folks, so today I found a bra on the street. Pretty sure it was from a nearby house. So, what would you do? I’m thinking keep and claim as my own (risky).. buy the bra for myself (safer bet). But imagine if it hit the big score?

Alright folks, so today I found a bra on the street. Pretty sure it was from a nearby house. So, what would you do? I’m thinking keep and claim as my own (risky).. buy the bra for myself (safer bet). But imagine if it hit the big score?

by Cunt_Puffin

  1. Steal it, go to the nearest supermarket, put it on, fill it with two cabbages and sing “I’m every woman” in the veg aisle.

  2. If people don’t know the context… then I would play the lottery if I were them

  3. Go around putting it on women and marry the one that it fits perfectly, Cinderella style.

  4. You shouldn’t be buying bras. Statistically, only the poorest in society play it. Instead you should put the £20 in to a 10% investment account for 40 years.

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