I’m a simple ammunition supply truck driver…

I’m a simple ammunition supply truck driver…

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. On June 15, 2024, as a result of Russian shelling, all soldiers at a Ukrainian position near the village of Borova were wounded and had to be evacuated.

    The Russians took advantage of the situation and sent an assault team. Most of them were taken out by artillery on approach, but several enemy combatants managed to reach the undefended position.

    All the Ukrainians could do at this point was passively observe the situation with a drone.

    Until suddenly, a wounded, bandaged warrior dug himself out of a semi-collapsed dugout and picked up a rifle. The Russians threw grenades at him, but ‘the bandaged hero’ charged at the enemy and gunned down the Russian stormtroopers with extreme prejudice and the deadly efficiency of John Wick.

    And no one had any idea that the rampaging zombie-assassinator was not a frontline soldier, but a simple supply truck driver… from the Logistics Battalion… of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade.

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cK_qhDFphE

  2. This feels horrifying. Whilst being spoken about, he seemed damaged and distant. Only when spoken to did that smile and social theatre kick in. The man has been through so much, and these are the invisible wounds. The ones a smile or friendly greeting will hide. These people need help after the war to integrate and reconcile the things nobody should see or go through. The sooner Muscovy loses, the sooner we can help our living wounded to heal and re-find life. This hurt to watch. Heroyam Slava.

  3. Anyuta, your Dad is a great hero. I truly hope you both recover from this terrible ordeal, mentally and physically. Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the Heroes!

  4. I’ve been in transport a long time. There seems to be a misconception that we don’t use weapons. We absolutely do. Don’t get me wrong, we would be as sharp as the infantry, and this guy did a cracking job, but it is definitely in the training.

  5. Fck this shit, he should play with his sweet daughter and feed their rabbits. Fuck ruzzia

  6. Sorry, but I’m a stickler for these things… it’s 3 russians… not two (captions are wrong)

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