Revealed: Reform candidates’ vile attacks on Royal Family from calling the King a ‘climate cracker’, the late Queen an ‘OAP on state benefits’ and comparing monarchy to Fred and Rose West

Revealed: Reform candidates’ vile attacks on Royal Family from calling the King a ‘climate cracker’, the late Queen an ‘OAP on state benefits’ and comparing monarchy to Fred and Rose West

by Aggressive_Plates

  1. I suppose they would prefer the head of state to be Reformed as well, führer perhaps.

  2. I can excuse racism, homophobia and anti-Semitism but I draw the line at being mean to the royal family!

  3. It’s interesting: while Reform are *absolutely* disgustingly racist enough to appeal to their core base, they also do a lot to put that base off by constantly undermining ‘symbols of British culture’: i.e. the royal family and the armed forces through their attacks on NATO.

  4. Do they even want to win an election? I don’t think there’s a single demographic they haven’t alienated in some way at this point

  5. Weird to go after Charlie’s opinion on climate change when his sex offender bro is right there

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