How British financial services aid sale of Russian gas on European market | Ukraine War

How British financial services aid sale of Russian gas on European market | Ukraine War

miles out in the sea Lanes where the North Sea meets the English Channel a lone ship on the horizon the cargo it carries tells a murky Tale one which takes us from the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia to the shores of Europe and eventually to the front lines of the war in Ukraine we aim to reduce this dependency on Russian fossil fuels and to get rid of it to wean ourselves of dependent on Russian oil and gas but this is the story of what really happened after Europe promised to end its Reliance on Russian gas stop the war respect International order we are determined to stand up against Russia’s brutal War because it turns out Europe isn’t just helping Ukraine but also helping fund Putin I’ve come to Belgium to the port of zuga one of the the biggest liquefied natural gas LNG terminals in Europe on the hunt for the energy story no one wants to talk about because while the amount of gas coming in pipes from Russia is down the amount of gas coming in on LNG tankers is up a lot and this is one of those tankers a ship I’ve been tracking for months the Vladimir renov see if we’re getting closer now that ship was in Siberia 7 days ago and it’s heading to zugga with its shipment of liquefied natural gas for the European market and if you want to understand how it is that Vladimir Putin is able to finance his war effort well what you’re looking at there is part of the explanation Britain has banned these shipments but the UK is also a part of this for another reason you know the most striking thing of all that ship is actually insured by a British company in other words it’s thanks to British financiers that Vladimir Putin is able to keep sending Russian gas to Europe earning billions of Euros along the way for his war effort while British insurers are banned from protecting oil tankers taking Russian crude there’s no equivalent sanction on Russian gas the UK pni club which ensures the Vladimir rusoff and a number of other LG carriers said the direct Carriage of LNG from yamal to zuga and provision of insurance services for such Carriage is not presently sanctioned if the EU and G7 nations were to change their policy the club would of course comply by adjusting or withdrawing it IT services down the coast in Dunkirk is another tanker I’ve been tracking the yakoff gako and it’s a similar story European money and British Services facilitating the ongoing flow of Russian hydrocarbons except here the British connection is even more direct this ship it’s got a Russian name it’s got Russian gas but it’s actually part owned and operated by a British company our investigation shows that while Britain has banned any ships with the Russian connection from docking on our Shores this country is still a critical Cog in the wheel that helps keep them running these ships are just two of a large Fleet of ice breakers making the same Journey from Siberia to Western European ports so we’ve been constantly tracking these ships as they go back and forth so that that green thing there that that is yamal that that’s basically where the Russian natural gas actually gets liquefied and gets put into these tankers all the time it’s this constant trade back and forth Russia to Europe Russia to Europe and C Peak the British company behind the Yakov gacel also operates for more of these tankers we tried emailing them and calling [Music] them Glasgow reception is currently unavailable to no avail please leave a message after the tone if at this stage you’re thinking didn’t Europe stop its Imports of Russian fossil fuels the answer is yes when it comes to coal and to oil after sanctions they are now mostly going to China but Europe is still the biggest customer by far for Russian liquefied natural gas paying billions of Euros to the very country on which they’re waging economic war and while it this week imposed sanctions on LNG that will only affect the stuff being shipped via Europe not the gas going to Europe and while the UK didn’t receive this LNG directly its businesses helped it happen that brings us to Glasgow where our trail that began in the channel has led us SE Peak the company which runs that tanker didn’t respond to my calls so I’ve come in person to see if I can persuade them to talk hi hello hi my name’s Ed Conway I work for Sky new and we’ve come to talk to to C PE we’re making a story do you want him to turn that off okay right okay turn that off or do you want to go outside yeah we’ve been calling calling calling and uh we have been told that well no no one is replying to us and so that’s why we’ve come here stay there me please sure thank you it’s worth saying as far as we can tell there’s nothing illegal about running these tankers even though they’re helping Bol to the Russian regime it’s one of many loopholes in Britain’s sanctions regime even so the company running the vessels still not willing to speak they’ve given you a message to to me which is basically go away is it you don’t have an appointment where you can’t speak to them right okay is anyone going to come down and talk to us no no and even if we stay here all day and we’re waiting that I’ll find the police you’ll find the police well basically they don’t want to talk they say no can’t no one could speak to them without an appointment we’ve called and called and called and called and called and they haven’t wanted to give us an appointment so I guess that’s just a they don’t want to talk about it at all which is kind of disappointing and for the time being that is more or less that we must help Ukraine to raise From the Ashes and to be the master of its own future Europe keeps importing Russian gas in ships managed and insured by British companies paying the Putin regime billions of Euros in the process Russia keeps bombing Ukraine with weapons paid for in part from the proceeds few find this very palatable but since the alternative is to risk another energy price shock there’s little appetite to end this murky trade

A Sky News investigation has found that European money and British services are helping the Kremlin earn billions from sales of liquified natural gas and fund its war effort in Ukraine.

This is despite a British ban on imports and sweeping sanctions introduced after Russia’s invasion in 2022.

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  1. The only thing the war has achieved is making Europeans and British poorer, making energy companies richer and destruction of Ukraine.
    Unpopular opinion but Ukraine should have negotiated with Putin.

  2. We want to know how involved sunaks India based extended family are in buying Russian gas and oil in India then shipping it to Britain and Europe, it's corruption and warmongering by our government

  3. Disgusting behaviour and a lot of hypocrisy 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

  4. but this is not a secret so why the fuss?Jack Broe and many other spoke about this state of affair as to change the status quo of the past decades is not a joking matter!But now sky news must tell us what is the alternative? When one criticises it must provide an alternative or shut up!To fight putin money are required and without oil or gas how can the country function? Ukraine needs Europe to keep functioning ,if it collapses the help will stop!So this kind of reportage do more harm than good in my view!Also russians are using European or American stuff as well!

  5. Before sanctions India was buying 1% of Russian oil now it's buying 40% before Europe did not buy oil from Indian now Europe is the number one buyer of Indian oil, So India is selling the oil it buys from Russia to Europe at a higher price same oil Europe was buying direct before because our governments made sanctions and wont buy the oil direct

  6. Yeap we would have had cheap gas but America didn't want that it had to stop, so they created a war, Victoria Nuland turned up with billions of dollars from American oil companies in 2014 to over throw the government in kiev and backed by the CIA

  7. Britain, whilst we no longer rule the waves. We do insure them, i presume it was just easier to stick with our companies, or they diversified into insuring foreign vessels as our 85% ownership of the worlds cargo fleet shrank? Whilst its nice to presume that Russia got fully sent to Coventry the spaghetti junction of globalization is a bit harder to desnag!
    People are no less capricious, France is currently voting in a new president who's been bankrolled by Putin….

  8. Ukraine can't beat Russia they need to stop the war, its cruel what's going on over there. There are rumours they will start to send the women, they are making uniforms for them

  9. I am sure even the Journalist running the investigation is not aware of how much damage to his standard of Living His Govt is saving him from; it's simple: the Engine that has fueled EU economic power is a cheap energy source from Russia. There's no replacement for that, except the EU is ready to face the downturn that will come with total exposure; sourcing from the US is expensive; that's why they announced a ban on crude in the front and went behind to buy from the country not upholding the sanctions that are in turn buying these oil from Russia at a discount. In My Opinion, they just went overboard with their sanction spree; it was a wrong decision; they would have tackled the issue head-on to resolve the conflict rather than Trying to Back Russia into a corner or make them a lesser country by ordering them to do what they want, non of this conflict would have happened if EU had pursued its own interest instead of that of another country that perceives Russia as its enemy and is merely building up friends that will join in calling Russia an enemy, that choice beclouds rationality and Judgement. The EU needs to answer the following question: Do EU members think that if the US has a vital resource it gets from Russia, it is crucial to its economic security and that it cannot be accessed anywhere else cheaper? Will it ever include that resource in any sanction list? if they can answer that question, they understand why the US is a great nation and what its Foreign policy focus is.

  10. That’s like me turning up at a Sky Studio without an appointment to question the editorial board about lies told.. πŸ˜‚

  11. Yet the Uk and Europe were lecturing and threatening other nations not to buy oil gas from Russia or face consequences even doing regime change what a bunch of utter immoral hypocrites

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