French nuclear giant scraps SMR plans due to soaring costs, will start over

French nuclear giant scraps SMR plans due to soaring costs, will start over

French nuclear giant scraps SMR plans due to soaring costs, will start over

by tjock_respektlos

  1. tl;dr: “EdF had scrapped its new internal SMR design – dubbed Nuward – because of engineering problems and cost overruns. It cited company sources as saying EdF would now partner with other companies to use “simpler” technologies in an attempt to avoid delays and budget overruns.”

    Also, customers wanted **guarantees** that the energy LCoE will be under 100Euro/kWh, to which EdF said “you what?”


    >The **Hinkley C** project in the UK has been an even bigger disaster. EdF had promised in 2007 that it would be “cooking Christmas turkeys” in England by 2017, at a cost of £9 billion, but is already delayed to 2031 with a **spiralling cost of £48 billion** ***when inflation is taken into account***, or $A93 billion.

    …that’s new…

  2. Sooo…a company with more than half a decade experience in running an entire country’s worth of nuclear powerplants doesn’t have the engineering capability to get small nuclear powerplants to work on time and on cost.


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