Cold summer mornings mean cold bees on the pavement. Please rescue them to stop them being stepped on.

Cold summer mornings mean cold bees on the pavement. Please rescue them to stop them being stepped on.

by vbloke

  1. How are you supposed to pick them up? I saw a massive one on the ground a couple weeks ago (orange instead of yellow, wonder if it was a queen?) but I didn’t want to hurt it or get stung so just got a leaf and nudged it towards some flowers.

  2. Yep, I taught the kids to do this from an early age, scoop em up with a card from the wallet or a leaf, and leave it on a flower or just out the way from getting squished 👍

  3. Agreed!

    Sometimes even the warmth of your palm is enough to warm them up too.

    I like to get a spoon and put some sugar water on it and leave it near them. They’ll drink and fly home.

  4. When picked up should we give them some sugar water? Put then on a plant?

  5. I unfortunately did step on one yesterday and it was my friend I was talking to that pointed it out.

    I love these little creatures as they’re so important for the environment so I was proper gutted about it.

  6. When (if) the weather gets really hot, I put out water for them. It’s just a plant pot tray / trough with some of the big rocks from type 1 and water. The trick is to give them lots of places to land and not drown. On really hot days, there can be a hundred or more bees at any one time.

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