Französische rechtsextreme Kandidatin steigt aus, nachdem ein Foto aufgetaucht ist, das sie mit Nazi-Mütze zeigt

Französische rechtsextreme Kandidatin steigt aus, nachdem ein Foto aufgetaucht ist, das sie mit Nazi-Mütze zeigt

  1. Fucking larpers have no idea of the sacrificed lives they are shitting on.

  2. Some guy on here was saying you can’t blame him for voting far right to keep France French. Hope he enjoys goose stepping to the polls

  3. hardly looks like offensive, i too could wear a nazi hat for a pic once, who the hell is offended by that? doesnt mean im a nazi

  4. She most likely got dropped because she had no chances to be elected on the next round rather than because of this picture

  5. What the fuck is going on in France?

    Why so many nazis and why winning? Wat doin french? You’re supposed to be nice baguette eating peoples sacre bleuuu

  6. Why would you wear the hat unless you believed in its values?? Considering what happened to France this is disgraceful

  7. It is very simple. France has a major problem with insecurity and immigration. No political party except for the Rassemblement National wants to address it. People are fed up, so they vote for them.

    Also, Rassemblement National is not a far-right party. Its policy is closer to a Socialist-Nationalist party.

    I voted for the Rassemblement National. I am jewish and well educated. I know very well who founded the party and what the holocaust is. I tool part in the first Euro-Pride in 1997, I voted in favour of gay marriage and I have been supporting all progressist social reforms since the early 80s. I have a wife and two kids, and a very good career. I also oppose Putin, I give money in support of Ukraine. I also oppose the government of Netanyahu while absolutely supporting the right for Israel to defend itself.

    Not every voter for the Rassemblement National is an Aryan Nazi.

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