Russian criple unit – about 50 disabled servicemen are being sent back to the front line

Original text from mobilizationnews:
Disabled people are sent to the front

About 50 military personnel from Military Unit 52562, 47th Tank Division, 26th Regiment are sent to the front line.

Doctors are against this, as some military personnel are awaiting surgery or a military medical commission. Also, some military personnel have a fitness category of “G” or an order for 45-day leave.

They have already been told that in the coming days they will be sent to positions on the first line.

The commander doesn’t care about people’s lives, they are ready to shower the front with bodies!

by Affectionate-Day-552

  1. This is nothing new for Russia. They’ve done this before in WW2. There are stories of injured soldiers set on trenches, sometimes without weapons, just to be cannon fodder for the Germans. That’s why many sided with the Nazis; they were called Hiwi, which is the German abbreviation of the word Hilfswilliger.

  2. Bastards, we dont want to pay you. Just die already for mother russia 🙂

  3. We don’t give a fuck, their commanders don’t give a fuck, their countrymen don’t give a fuck and of course the kremlin doesn’t give a fuck about them. Must be horrible when absolutely nobody gives a fuck about you

  4. All this complaining but nobody has the spine to rebell against their overlords. Then again I’m in the belief that Russians are not humans so I don’t really care what happens to these fuckers.

  5. They can do a small revolt against thier superiors and die happily than in Ukraine killing fields.

  6. Suppose these guys fragged their officers and then surrendered to Ukraine: that’s *exactly* the kind of event that can spread and cascade throughout the frontlines when your shitty army has almost zero morale.

  7. The criple unit. They used to be the cripple unit but they lost their pp’s in the war. 

    Sorry. 😕 

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