‘Disappointed to see the direction our country is taking’: French players get political at the Euros

‘Disappointed to see the direction our country is taking’: French players get political at the Euros


by That_Technician_439

  1. I could not imagine anything’s changing for them ~ now for newcomers that’s an entirely different story and there needs to be changes.

  2. That’s why Belgium let them win yesterday. We are against racism.

  3. Well it is their political elites to blame.
    (The same applies for the rest of Europe and the most dangerous of all, Ursula and her lackeys who are pushing Europe towards far right en masse)

    People do not turn to fascists because they are happy with what is being done. People turn to fascists because all others have neglected and mistreated them. That is what they should be fixing instead of trying to ban the fascists and far right in general.

    But they do not care to fix what they do wrong, they only care to keep doing it. And so, almost dutifully, as a social reflex that is known for centuries, far right is going to grow more and more. And if even the populist extremists won’t do, do not be surprised if in 20, 30 years we see worse.

    That is if those morons that govern Europe do not manage to send us to war in the meantime.

  4. I don’t think no sane Frenchman will be taking an advice on what is right or wrong from a guy that gets payed to kick a ball across the field.

  5. Nice, they are right and acting more responsible than others nations football stars.

  6. Is he talking exclusively about the far-right or also the far-left? As those are two sides from the same coin.

  7. Apparently “Maybe lets not vote for the far right extremists whose last chairman literally denied the holocaust and mocked a journalist of jewish faith by suggested hed ‘bake something nice in the oven’ for her” is a controversial stance these days…. reddit is a market place for only the brightest minds of society, thats for sure

  8. A French citizen has an opinion about the politics of his own country.

    Reddit shits itself in anger…

  9. Damn, are people actually unhappy with a public stance against a far right party? That’s genuinely surprising. Think.

  10. Are they aware that in according to their views they would expell 80 % of their football and handball teams?

  11. God dammit this comment section is awful what the fuck is the problem with yall

  12. Funny how they’re all suddenly coming forward and getting very political about RN’s victory, saying how they won’t play anymore if their favorite party doesn’t win, but none of them refused to play in Qatar, in 2022; in doing so, aiding in the *sportswashing* of a murderous, enslacing, terrorist-hosting nation.

    Are we supposed to take these idiots seriously?

  13. Oh wow, would you think that people voting for the big racists who deny climate change and are funded by Russia is a problem? And what about the fact that most of those votes come from people who are severely misinformed thanks to Chinese and Russian misinformation campaigns?

    Maybe it is time that someone says something about that.

  14. I’m not french but my ex was. He had this old aunt with a really *original* joke du jour, saying that les bleus would become les blacks in a matter of time. I’ve genuinely lost count of how many times she repeated it.
    These people never change, they are just showing their true colors now.

  15. Amazed anyone cares about the opinions of celebs/athletes…perform and let us watch, but please do it without speaking about things other than your skill.

  16. Who would have thought? A time were Italy and France are the facist countries.

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