Macrons Wahlbetrug ist gescheitert. Jetzt ist er nirgends zu sehen

Macrons Wahlbetrug ist gescheitert. Jetzt ist er nirgends zu sehen

  1. *From Bloomberg News reporters Ania Nussbaum and Samy Adghirni:*

    Emmanuel Macron hasn’t been seen since the president and his wife, Brigitte, were spotted strolling the streets of the French coastal town of Le Touquet in dark sunglasses and leather bomber jackets a few hours before the scale of his defeat in legislative elections became known.

    That spontaneous sighting — which led some on social media to comment whether he was trying to channel Tom Cruise in Top Gun — was the last time he was out in public.

    His Renaissance party got trounced by Marine Le Pen’s National Rally on Sunday night in a vote he called three weeks ago.

  2. In his defence it had become inevitable.

    The only way to defeat populists it seems is to let them win and show what a disaster they are in government.

  3. I think the article jumps the gun. Every one knew that far right going to win first round. Second round could be different

  4. I think everyone knew this would happen, right?

    Back it was called, the general consensus was that his “gamble” was that RN would win, but then fail to live up to any of their election promises and lose their insurgent appeal.

  5. It wasn’t even a gamble. Everyone with a brain knew that this was a shit idea. He’s a fuckin’ idiot.

  6. Isn’t far right a misnomer if the party wins an election? Think bell curves

  7. I don’t think so, it was about forging an alliance between the center and left to avoid a total take over of the right.

    If Macron manages to pull it off, then it would have been seen an brilliant move to avoid a total loss

  8. i’ve read articles on how he was a genius in getting elections when it was sure the extreme right would win the first round, so the second round would be a necessary win for him (because everyone else would vote for him over far right).

  9. It is funny to see how people in the comments (and the article) think it is definitive when they do not know how French election works.

  10. He should do the Sanader’s Exit:

    I did my part, now it is time for another to take the responsibility.

    Then run away.

  11. The gamble only fails if the far right both wins AND then proves to be capable at governing. If they win and then show they can’t govern, Macron still wins in the end.

  12. I think i saw a French presidential plane landing in Gayan and some rumours about creating new France there…..

  13. To be fair he was present the first days of the campaign and his party begged him to shut up.

    He is unpopular and energizes the vote … in the other parties.

  14. The people are fed up with the economy and fed up with the Muslim invasion.

  15. Macron is in power until 2027. If the far right (Le Pen) gets power, then they have to do that thing no political party likes doing – govern. The crowd is fickle – especially in France. This will more than likely hurt Le Pen’s chances for 2027 (which was the point)

  16. I think it was his plan for far-right to win just to show people how far-right party works so people will understand for what they voted for.

  17. This gives me Brexit flashbacks when Cameron called the referendum. Those guys are such shit tacticians *and* strategists

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