A Russian soldier vanishes after a drone strike

A Russian soldier vanishes after a drone strike

by BigDeckBob

  1. Drone pilot: “And for my next trick, I need a voluteer from the audience…”

  2. Not saying he would’ve survived much longer or denying that panick set in, but I counted he had 3 seconds to properly throw the package away, which might’ve increased his chances of survival a few minutes longer. But then again, I’m a keyboard warrior so could be completely wrong.

  3. Lord, it’s a miracle! Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind!

  4. It’s actually a double trick. First his nuts disappear and second the entire body. 🌰

  5. I’m amazed to see the drone getting away. Two pounds of thermobaric charge, enough to blow apart a house.

  6. Like sands through the hourglass, those were the Days of Our Lives…

  7. Man alive, imagine the last thing you experience is being slapped in the cock by the bomb that thanos snaps you.

  8. What’s left of him ends up laying in a ball in the top right of picture beside the trench – you can see him there at the 2 sec mark

  9. No body? Hah! He’s a deserter. 😤

    No moldy onions for YOU! 🧅🧅🧅

  10. He may have fooled the rest of you with his disappearing trick, but I know that under the screen of the smoke he’s covered himself in dirt. Sneaky. Lol.

  11. Pretty sure private conscriptovich was yeeted out of frame.
    Or at least parts of him.

  12. Dropped it right in the pills to boot! He didn’t seem like he enjoyed or appreciated his explosive roll of Ukrainian Bologna!!

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