Ex-British Museum boss wants foreigners to pay to see UK artefacts

Ex-British Museum boss wants foreigners to pay to see UK artefacts


by Saltedline

  1. > He estimates that it will cost between £400 and £500 million to restore the British Museum’s leaky buildings and develop much need additional gallery space to showcase the millions of artefacts

    Or you could return stuff that’s disputed and won’t be destroyed, and have fewer artifacts to take care of

  2. Isn’t this normal to pay a small price to enter a museum? Like 5-10£ for entry, while often being free for children under 10 or whatever.

    But why should it only be for foreigners and not everyone

  3. I agree with paying an entrance fee for museums. The demand is there and the money can be used to benefit both the host museums with architectural restorations, repairs etc. as well as the overall visitor experience.

  4. Do I guet this right, that the intent is to have a fee raised on tourists – thus ppl not residing in the UK? I wonder how the vetting process will go…

  5. Why not a compromise? You only charge visitors if the museum have stolen artifacts from their country.

  6. You mean foreigners whose lands they likely colonized and stole the artifacts from have to pay to see their ancestors hard work..?

  7. So foreigners would have to pay to see the stuff the British robbed from their countries? That is bound to go down well /s

  8. Do you get a comp ticket if you’re looking at artefacts pilfered from your colonised country?

  9. This wouldn’t leave such a weird aftertaste if the vast majority of artifacts in the British Museum wouldn’t be loot from the rest of the world. ‘UK artifacts’ – is he proposing admission to one special room of objects that are *actually* from the UK?

  10. Let’s plunder half the world then force them to pay their heritage. SMART!

  11. This sub having an almost weekly post about the British Museum is very funny.

    Also amusing reading the comments ranting about the British Empire/Colonialism, clicking on the profile and seeing the poster is French/Dutch/German etc. A distinct lack of self awareness amongst our continental brothers, or their education systems suck

  12. 99% are not “UK artefacts”, it’s looted from other occupied people or whatever some lord wanted on their travels

  13. The BM trust is required to give everyone (in the world, not just Britain) access to the objects. It’s doesn’t literally use the words ‘free’ but I think there’s certainly a legal case to be made that it must be free.

    Also, one of the best things about the museum is that you can just walk in if you have forty minutes to kill and look at a couple of rooms, without having to pay, book tickets or any of that nonsense.

    They are already ‘encouraging’ everyone to book timed tickets, which annoys me. My guess is they will try and fudge it by making it free for the last hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays if you book a week in advance, and start charging the rest of the time.

  14. So foreigners have to pay now to see artifacts that britain has stolen from their countries?

  15. Wait… Entry fees for museum visits are NOT the international standard? The Vatican got me good again!

  16. So the Greeks, Italians and Egytians will be charged to see the stuff that was pilfered from them. Great idea

  17. So acording to this, UK citizens should pay also to see the non-Uk artefacts

  18. What about giving free entrance to all the ‘foreigners’ whose cultures they plundered in order to have stuff in the said museums in the first place.

  19. OK, UK artifacts behind a paywall, the non UK stolen ones should be free. Seems fair.

  20. It’s a bad move but what about foreigners that work live and pay taxes in uk ? Eu nationals with right to stay ? And 20£ is way off someone just want to make a bucks out of this .

  21. How about returning the artefacts to their original countries and we’ll go see them there

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