Russian female soldier gets hit with an FPV drone, 2 other soldiers try to help, but also get hit by a second strike. Video by the Strike Drones Company (47 OMBr)

Russian female soldier gets hit with an FPV drone, 2 other soldiers try to help, but also get hit by a second strike. Video by the Strike Drones Company (47 OMBr)

by Evening_Run_8536

  1. Damn i never thought that they were so desperate and started using females as cannon fodder

  2. Am I the only one that finds it funny how quickly they started helping her, so unusual for the Russian soldiers

  3. That female dodged a lot faster than most Russian males I have seen. But still not fast enough.

  4. Oh FEMALE soldiers. *That’s* why they’re not leaving each other behind like douchebags.

  5. They were told to go home back to Russia in a very kind way considering what they’ve done. Now the Russian women are getting involved? Say what? When did women start fighting hands on in the Russian army in this invasion? Weird to see a woman get blown up moving forward, but they are an enemy combat so that’s way it goes. That second drone looks like it blew her head clean off.

  6. Here in Norway, women also enlist in the army when they are 19-20 years old, and serve 1 year. Like they did in the Viking aera! So female soldiers are not so rare! But her fellow soldiers were very eager to give help all of a sudden!

  7. Vet here. I got called sexist for saying “I don’t like patrolling with women”. The reply is usually folks projecting that “what you’re saying is women can’t do the job, woman can’t carry the weight blah blah”.

    It’s so fun to flip it on them and mention that it was them who brought up the weight and physical attributes. I don’t mention them.

    I tell them that I can’t stand seeing women get hit. Call it sexist if you like, I think it’s monkey brain where we are programmed to protect the future of the species etc. Bloke gets hit you crack on and get the job done. Lady gets hit the whole unit will bend over backwards to get her aid and everything stalls, risking more lives.

    It’s not a slight on the ladies , I’m glad my lot would help a woman in need. I’ve met some top soldier ladies who had all the skills and attitude. But I would react differently to seeing them get hit as opposed to a bloke. Maybe I’m the issue ha ha.

  8. Male comrade. Shoot him in the head when asked without hesitation.

    Female comrade. Drop everything to help.

  9. Damn, my first time seeing a female soldier in action in this meat grinder, sad

  10. That can’t be true…. russia said only desperate and immoral Ukraine uses women on the front 🙄.

  11. I just find all of this pretty depressing. Following orders like most soldiers do just to die like this. They may be good people if you met them on the street but we’ll never know. Drones are clearly the future of warfare.

  12. Women have just the same right to let themselves get blown to pieces for the glory of the benevolent leader.

  13. Lmao bruh why is she even on the frontlines? She making shit harder for the guys that feels the need to take care of and protect her

  14. One drone cannot be in two places at once FFS when are these absolute morons gonna learn that.

  15. She had better reflexes than a lot of males while trying to flee from that drone, unfortunate for her that sharpnel go in a radious, you can see she has some internal bleeding and still have time to (wrongly) react when the second drone approach, giving the drone operator a nice collateral.

    After seeing the UAF Medic Bag being a pharmacy on boots, and actually carrying people to safety before giving aid, these russian medics thought with their dicks when they helped this soldier, and this monkey way of thinking quickly came to bite them in the cheeks.

  16. All life is equal before death

    Death does not distinguish between men and women, high or low, rich or poor, age.

    The only fair thing in this world is death

    Unless you come to Ukraine on your own initiative, death will not come to you.

    Feet are on you. Your decision. Death will respect it.

    Maybe your death will become a canon at REDDIT

    “Better to die for Putin than to live alone”

  17. Is this the first female Russian soldier we’ve seen ? Also god damn, she tried to get away from the second and moved right into it’s path.

  18. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu stated in May 2020 that c. 41,000 women ( c. 4.26% of total active duty forces) were enlisted in the Russian Armed Forces.

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