Mass extinction is a choice. A new study shows how we can dramatically reverse it

Mass extinction is a choice. A new study shows how we can dramatically reverse it

by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. But my short term quarterly profits are far more important than your mass extinction, unless we can make a dollar off of it.

  2. > humanity could begin conserving many of the vanishing species at minimal cost and with using only roughly 164 megahectares (equal to 10,000 hectares or 38.6 square miles)

    While this is a good first step to halt the trend, we won’t reverse the trend of mass extinctions without reforming agriculture by [rewilding and reforesting pastures]( and [abolishing pesticides, herbicides and monocultures](

    It’s the whole system that’s unsustainable. We won’t be able to reverse the trend by tweaking the parameters here and there – a complete overhaul of the social and economic fabric is necessary.

    This includes things like degrowth, implementing UBI/UBS, reforming capitalism (infinite growth in a finite environment), [plant-based diets]( and transforming agricultural practices.

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