Stay classy south Belfast

Found on top of a bin round the corner from my house, my wife went out an hour later and it was on the floor, half an hour after that it was gone. God speed you crusty purple destroyer

by Belfast-boyo

  1. Typical, the flute band leaving their instruments behind for other to clean up as usual.

  2. That’s a very long winded story just to get rid of the wife’s old chopper.

  3. Not me spending a full minute trying to work out what that squiggle was before I saw what was next to it 🤣

  4. My absolute loon of a dog was sniffing round in the dunes in Benone a few months ago and came trotting up to me with a foot long “Marital Aid” in his mouth. He thought he was class!

  5. Just need somebody to leave an old mattress out and it’ll be a real nice evening.

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