Job search is going well

Job search is going well

by WheelOfDionFortune

  1. Love how the scope of that job title immediately veers off course. “Admin assistant, oh and copywriter and designer, and web and social media manager, and bid writer if we feel like it. For £25K a year.”

  2. “We expect professionalism from all team members, so don’t bother applying if you’re a bitch” 🙄😂

  3. Good old administrative job that requires you to be a designer and a web/social media for £12 a hour lmao.

  4. I’d be tempted to go for this if I was unemployed. It sounds like a hilarious shitshow.

    The hiring manager is probably the exactly right flavour of mental to have daily screaming meltdowns over absolute trivia. I wouldn’t be able to help trolling them to trigger the funsies.

  5. I guarantee that at some point in the recruitment process, this place will say “we’re like a family here”.

  6. Name and shame the company for the fact that the role clearly doesn’t match the title, and for the fact that they’re clearly hoping to pay fuck all.

    No doubt “part-time” means you’ll be contracted to 30 hours but mandatory unpaid OT will take you to 50.

    Edit: the advert is hilarious as the initial description doesn’t match the requirements.

    >Are you able to process data, work within a busy team and use your initiative to maintain organised records?

    So why would I need to be able to do the following:

    >•Being confident to present information to small groups

    >•Creativity & an eye for design

    >•An ability to upkeep websites and social media

    >•Bid writing where applicable

  7. I also found this add. The whole company seems a bit messy. It looks like a charity, but isn’t (although it does have a number of volunteers) and charges for services. It’s unclear exactly what qualifications most of the staff have. I wouldn’t touch them.

  8. Jesus. I feel for anyone out there looking for a job right now. So many employers are paying shite because there are just so many applicants.

  9. Administrative assistant and then “bid writing”?! Flee from this one, it’s like one big red flag.

  10. This might be the first job ad I’ve seen that includes the word “bitches”. Plus, uh, “we expect professionalism”.

  11. ‘Previous experience in administration and IT’


    Make it make sense

  12. The absolute irony of the misogynistic, unprofessional language and the very fact they can’t see that. Says way more about them than anyone they’ve employed in the past.

    Guaranteed this is a reaction to someone standing up to unreasonable work demands

  13. I was earning £12 an hour 6 years ago. What the hell is happening to wages in the UK?!

  14. The irony that they wrote about ‘professionalism, positive language and professional boundaries’ right beneath it.

  15. A little discriminatory against badass bitches who maybe considering the role?

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