UN fordert Russland auf, die Störung der GPS-Kommunikation einzustellen

UN fordert Russland auf, die Störung der GPS-Kommunikation einzustellen


  1. Main points:

    # The UN’s International Telecommunication Union condemned Russian interference in European satellite systems and urged an end to GPS signal jamming

    Reuters [reported](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/un-body-condemns-russian-satellite-interference-europe-2024-07-01/) the information, citing the relevant document published on July 1.

    Last week, the UN body considered a number of complaints from Ukraine, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and Luxembourg regarding interference with satellite systems over the past few months. The Council expressed serious concern about the use of signals to create intentional interference.

    Countries pointed to constant interruptions in the operation of satellites. In particular, Russia jammed GPS signals on airplanes, which repeatedly endangered the lives of passengers and crew, and caused interruptions in the broadcasting of children’s TV channels, showing brutal footage of the Russian war against Ukraine.

    According to the statement, the disruptions to the French and Swedish satellite networks likely originated from ground stations located in the Moscow, Kaliningrad, and Pavlovka areas. The Union called on Russia to immediately cease hostile actions and investigate the incidents.

    It is also reported that in March, Russia jammed the global positioning system (GPS) signal of the official aircraft of British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps during his flight to Poland. The Russian station for GPS jamming is located in the Kaliningrad region, between Poland and Lithuania.

  2. Asking a criminal to stop committing crimes is a bit of a paradox.

  3. NATO should destroy the Jamming device as it can be considered as an electronical warfare attack on Nato countries.

  4. I’d ask if them taking down a plane would be enough of an attack, but that already happened, almost exactly a decade ago. And this kind of thing will keep happening.

  5. The fact they’re jamming NATO countries “on accident” is unacceptable. And the non existing response is just an invitation for them to continue to cross red lines.

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