Akhmat’s fighters shot down a Ukrainian FPV drone, then approached it and started filming. It exploded right next to them, injuring two individuals.

Akhmat’s fighters shot down a Ukrainian FPV drone, then approached it and started filming. It exploded right next to them, injuring two individuals.

by BigDeckBob

  1. So it was “yessss we crashed it!” then BOOOMMMM “Blyat, blyad, blood!”

  2. These Chechen wastes are the worst. They were subjugated by Russia and now they are being supported.

  3. Akhmat’s fighters shot down a Ukrainian FPV drone, then approached it. It exploded right next to them, injuring two individuals and then they started filming.

  4. translation: god is great, god is great, someone call putin tell him we got blown up.

  5. Imagine being injured, waiting for help. Meanwhile the medic:

    > Say god is great! Say god is great!..

  6. How these guys can fight for the Orc Terror State after it butchered their people not once but twice is beyond me.

  7. Go and fight a war for your master Putin … and die in the fields of Ukraine , only your master doesn’t give a damm about you or your lives

  8. Couldn`t have happend to a better bunch of shit-stains! So Allah IS truly good!

  9. Being wounded in the russian army is like having lung cancer anywhere else on Earth, except you will receive treatment for lung cancer.

  10. Attempting first aid, I’m impressed. Big change from just shoot and walk away.

  11. Base this is Big Ass. Tik and Tok are down. I repeat both Tik and Tok are down. Send You and Tube. Over.

  12. Maybe spend less time recording with your phone, and more time trying to bandage the wounds of the people bleeding in front of you? The other guy had his phone out too.

    Sheesh. I don’t know, maybe that’s crazy talk.

  13. Hahah stupid idiots.
    Rule one, don’t invade Ukriane.
    Rule two, stop sucking Putins dick
    Rule three, never ever approach a shot down drone.

  14. Imagine how much more effective they’d be if they used two hands to fight and were not constantly hold a phone.

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