Russia-Ukraine war | No practical way to defence against Russian glide bombs, says Ukraine | WION

Russia-Ukraine war | No practical way to defence against Russian glide bombs, says Ukraine | WION

now as Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine President Vladimir zalinski has raised concerns zelinski claims There’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs neither the Patriots nor the himis are a viable solution to the Soviet Eran Munitions according to zalinski in one last week Moscow has fired over 800 Glide bombs at Kev retrofitted with Precision guidance systems these bombs are capable of reducing entire multi-story buildings to just Rubble in the given circumstances zinski has underscored the need for a permanent solution the Ukrainian president has called for longrange attacks on Russian air bases moreover zalinski has requested for necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs ke maintains that the provision of f-16s will allow them to take on Russian fighter jets while they’re in the air destroying the bombs before they’re released meanwhile the Netherlands has assured that it will very soon deliver the first of 24 promised F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine the necessary permits to deliver the Jets to Ukraine has been granted the Netherlands defense minister said in a letter to the parliament the Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Norway have together committed to provide Kev with over 85 us-made F-16 fighter jets by 2028 [Music]

As Russia continues to fire Glide bombs at Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has raised concerns. Zelenskyy claims there’s no practical way to defend against the Russian Glide bombs…Watch in for more details!

#russiaukrainewar #russiadefense #zelensky

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  1. Who with the modicum of intelligence listens to this sort of garbage… 2028! three years away. Ukraine won't exist by next year. 24 F16 from the Netherlands… they'll be shrapnel within four months.

  2. I have a good friend from Ukraine and he says he love it if the Russians took over.. He voted for a peace and now all his family are dead… And they were not killed by Russia!

  3. 2028 – 2024 = 4. OK, only four years away from getting the "game changers". Can Zelensky last another Year ? Trump would cut his lifeline off in 2025. So Zelensky is praying to his God that Biden would win 4 more years, provided that he didn't kick the bucket too soon.

  4. I cannot close my mouth to now, such a shock ๐Ÿ˜ณ those F16 will be delivered by 2028 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.
    The Ukrainian people have to stand up to overthrow this comedian

  5. Far be it from me to correct a world leading news outlet but…
    Russia-Ukraine war | No practical way to defence against Russian glide bombs, says Ukraine | WION
    Surely it should read:
    Russia-Ukraine war | No practical way to defend against Russian glide bombs, says Ukraine | WION

  6. Ukraine should rely on its own resources. Other countries can and will always help but there is a limit to it. Zelensky should have thought of that and not beg for more and more. Now one begins to think of their true motivation for the war. It may be the money after all. And the Ukrainian oligarchs can always seek peace with Moscow while the ordinary Ukrainian dies in the frontlines.

  7. Those f-16s will all meet the same fate as the Abrams tanks.they going to fall out of the sky so fast they don't know what hit it.
    NATO and their commedian in chief should just surrender and spare the lives that are being wasted

  8. By 2028 so they still plan on fighting this for the next 4 years. And we're already 91 billion in. Wow so that means what at least six generations to pay off the debt.

  9. He' has lost his mind.. Zelensky is beggar.. He will keep begging even if he wins this war…hes almost in his knees now.. Hes ruining his country becoz of his stupid dream to win Russia.

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