If the Dutch cried every time they missed a penalty their whole country would be below sea level… wait a minute

If the Dutch cried every time they missed a penalty their whole country would be below sea level… wait a minute

by MrSpotgold

  1. It’s true, we suck at penalties.

    – The worst was at euro 2000 against Italy. We got 2 penalties during the game, both missed. And then it ended in a penalty shootout which we of course fucked up as well.
    – The best moment was at wc 2014. Penalties against Costa Rica, but right before, van Gaal decided to substitute the goalkeeper for the penalty shootout. I had never seen that before. And it fucking worked. We went through and it was crazy. The next game vs Argentina penalties again. But this time we didn’t substitute the goalkeeper and we of course lost the shootout lol.

  2. I know this is a joke but I think this is CR realising (finally) that he’s not the same as before and needs to go. He needs 1000 chances to score once now.

  3. He’s crying like he lost another kid.
    I like football but let’s be honest, there are no high-stakes. It’s just a game, and it shouldn’t warrant this type of reaction.

  4. OP is active on Belgian and Dutch subreddits. I therefore conclude OP is a Flemboy who is too embarrassed to flair up. I deem this embarrassment punishment enough for this lily-livered attack on our national self esteem.

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