Shout out to Jeffrey John, who became the first openly gay Church Deacon 20 years ago today at St Albans Abbey

Shout out to Jeffrey John, who became the first openly gay Church Deacon 20 years ago today at St Albans Abbey

by wouldyoulikethetruth

  1. well done him.

    so only took 2 millennia for the church to get a bit of its act together, and almost as long for women priests…

  2. It’s almost creepy how straight men care so much about who another dude has sex with.

    Fair play to him, he looks happy!

  3. “Twenty years ago” still sounds to me like the 80s or something to me. But, no, this was the same year as Half Life 2, GTA San Andreas, the first episodes of House and Lost and when Shaun of the Dead was in cinemas.

  4. Good on him!

    I will never understand why some people get so worked up over someone being gay or straight. My parents have been ranting about this and always quote the bible. I do love pointing out to them that it also says to live by example, not judge others and let others live their life. Pick n’ Mix of the verses you like and ignoring others that interfere with your lifestyle, is one thing I am pretty sure it also rules out.

    That always makes them turn a funny shade of ‘rage purple’.

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